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Lefferts Homestead house museum (early 19thC) relocated to Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. | Gables of Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. | Front porch of Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. | Front door of Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Revolutionary War Cannon at Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. | Herb garden at Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. | Stairway banister of Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. | Parlor of Lefferts Homestead in Prospect Park. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Double Argand lamp & blue flow teapot at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Antique blue-flow plates & mantle lamp at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Porcelain serving dishes at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Piano under portraits at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Girandole at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Carved piano stool with fish sides at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Early American mirror at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Fireplace at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Graphic of George Washington on horseback at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Kitchen at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Dutch colonial Kas cupboard (early 18thC) at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Upstairs bedroom at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Rocking cradle at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Lamp table at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Drop-front desk at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Washbasin stand at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Porcelain coffee service on chest at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Canopied bed & chest at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | In Memory of Genl George Washington & his Lady graphic (1804) by John Trumbull at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Weaving samples at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Blue & white pottery collection at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Commemorative plate of Declaration of Independence at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Blue & white oriental-style bowl at Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Small rabbit in garden of Lefferts Homestead museum. Brooklyn, NY. |