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Brooklyn Museum Beaux-Arts building (1895) with modern entrance (2004). Brooklyn, NY. | Brooklyn Museum Beaux-Arts building (1895) plus modern entrance. Brooklyn, NY. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. | Council of War plaster sculpture (1868) showing Lincoln, Grant & Stanton by John Rogers at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Victory figure from Robert Gould Shaw Memorial (1884-1907) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Amor Caritas sculpture (1898) by Augustus Saint-Gaudens at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Cast iron balustrade panel (c1903) for Carson, Pirie, Scott department store of Chicago by Louis H. Sullivan at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Art Deco figurine of woman with torches at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Collection of early American & English mirrors (18-19thC) at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Concave mirror (c1825) from England at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Santos-style Crucifix (19thC) by José Rafael Aragón on New Mexico at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Scrimshaw sperm whale teeth (c1825-70) at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Collection of American whale-oil lamps at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Kerosene lamp standard atop bronze bird with exaggerated claw (1886) by Pierre Emmanuel Guerin at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Sculpted wooden man with grapes tavern sign (c1860) at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Sculpted wooden giraffe head (1850-1900) at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Magic Dinner Caster (c1860) wherein turning a knob reveals condiment bottles by Roswell Gleason & Sons of Dorchester, MA at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Magic Dinner Caster (c1856) wherein turning a knob reveals condiment bottles by Roswell Gleason & Sons of Dorchester, MA at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Collection of clocks at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Herman Miller Clock Co. model 4082 (c1933) by Gilbert Rohde exhibited for 1933 Chicago Century of Progress Exposition at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | RCA Victor Portable Phonograph (c1935) by John Vassos at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |
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Hobart Manuf. Co. meat slicer (c1935) by Egmont Arens at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. | Spacelander Bicycle (1946, made 1960) by Benjamin J. Bowden at Brooklyn Museum. Brooklyn, NY. |