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Museum of Fine Arts (1909). Boston, MA. Architect: Guy Lowell. | Museum of Fine Arts (1909). Boston, MA. Architect: Guy Lowell. | Collection of ancient Greek pottery at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Ancient Greek red-figured krator with scenes from Trojan War (460 BCE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. |
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Ancient Greek red-figured ram's head rhyton (c450 BCE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Ancient Greek red-figured lekythos showing battle of Greeks & Amazons (c430 BCE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Ancient Greek lion funerary monument (c390 BCE) from near Athens at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Carved stone head of Zeus (c350-340 BCE) from Greek area of Mylasa, Turkey at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. |
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Roman carved marble relief of Death of Priam (c50 BCE-50 CE) from Fiesole at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Ancient Greek gold earring of Nike driving her chariot (c325-300 BCE) from Peleponnesos at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Roman cameo of Victory driving chariot with Eros (31 BCE-14 CE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Roman cameo of Julio-Claudian couple (1stC CE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. |
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Roman cameo of medusa (2nd or 3rd C CE) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Roman cameo of medusa (1st or 2ndC CE) in Byzantine ring (5thC) at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Collection of Roman portrait heads at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Collection of Roman portrait heads at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. |
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Roman marble portrait head of Emperor Hadrian (c130 CE) from Greek island of Paros at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Roman mosaic floor of marine animals (200-230 CE) from Antioch at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. | Roman sarcophagus of triumph of Dionysus (215-225 CE) from Proconnesus at Museum of Fine Arts. Boston, MA. |