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Old South Meeting House (1729) a Puritan house of worship where the 1773 Boston Tea Party was organized. Boston, MA. Style: Georgian. Architect: Robert Twelves. On National Register. | Spire of Old South Meeting House. Boston, MA. | Old South Church or Meeting House (1729) (308 Washington St.). Boston, MA. Style: Georgian. Architect: Robert Twelves. | Side facade & entrance of Old South Church. Boston, MA. |
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Spire of Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Tower of Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Interior of Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Pulpit of Old South Church. Boston, MA. |
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Pulpit lectern of Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Neoclassical details of pulpit in Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Hanging sound reflector over pulpit in Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Chandelier in Old South Church. Boston, MA. |
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Clock with American eagle in Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Box pews in Old South Church. Boston, MA. | Box pew in Old South Church as it would have been furnished originally. Boston, MA. | American Revolution display in Old South Church where many protest meetings were held after the Boston Massacre. Boston, MA. |