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King's Chapel (1750) (58 Tremont St.). Boston, MA. Architect: Peter Harrison. | King's Chapel pulpit (1717). Boston, MA. | King's Chapel enclosed pew typical of New England. Boston, MA. | King's Chapel organ. Boston, MA. |
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King's Chapel interior. Boston, MA. | Wrought iron fence around King's Chapel Burying Ground. Boston, MA. | Tombstones with death heads in King's Chapel Burying Ground. Boston, MA. | Tombstone with skeleton & angel in King's Chapel Burying Ground. Boston, MA. |
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Tombstone with death symbols in King's Chapel Burying Ground. Boston, MA. | Monument (1899) to Patriot William Dawes Jr. (1745-99) who rode to warn the Minutemen at King's Chapel Burying Ground. Boston, MA. | Tombstone of Gov. John Winthrop (1588-1649) & descendants at King's Chapel Burying Ground. Boston, MA. |