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Ali'iolani Hale clock tower & King Kamehameha I statue. Honolulu, HI. | Statue of King Kamehameha I (1883) by Thomas Ridgeway Gould at Ali'iolani Hale. Honolulu, HI. | Statue of King Kamehameha I with feather cloak & spear. Honolulu, HI. | Bust detail of statue of King Kamehameha I. Honolulu, HI. |
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Back of statue of King Kamehameha I. Honolulu, HI. | Statue of King Kamehameha I against downtown Honolulu skyline. Honolulu, HI. | Statue of King Kamehameha I against First Hawaiian Center. Honolulu, HI. | Panel of King Kamehameha I statue of future King a boy with ability to deflect spears. Honolulu, HI. |
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Panel of King Kamehameha I statue of King with his fleet of war canoes. Honolulu, HI. | Panel of King Kamehameha I statue of Law of the Splintered Paddle wherein Hawaiians were given the right to travel freely in peace. Honolulu, HI. | Panel of King Kamehameha I statue of young Kemehameha welcomed aboard H.M.S. Resolution by Captain James Cook in Hawaii. Honolulu, HI. | Ali'iolani Hale (1874) (S. King & Mililani Sts.) (now HI Supreme Court). Honolulu, HI. Style: Neoclassical. Architect: Thomas Rowe. On National Register. |
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Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse) Hawaii's first government building housing legislature & judiciary. Honolulu, HI. | Architect Frank Haines who worked on the restoration of Ali'iolani Hale leads AIA tour of downtown Honolulu. Honolulu, HI. | Ali'iolani Hale & King Kamehameha I statue. Honolulu, HI. | Interior stained-glass skylight of Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse). Honolulu, HI. |
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Interior stained-glass skylight of Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse). Honolulu, HI. | Interior marble staircase of Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse). Honolulu, HI. | Waltham clock carved with mermaids in Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse). Honolulu, HI. | Supreme Court of Hawaii justices' bench in Ali'iolani Hale. Honolulu, HI. |
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Cast iron ceiling vent in Supreme Court of Hawaii chamber in Ali'iolani Hale. Honolulu, HI. | 1913 courtroom in Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse). Honolulu, HI. | Portrait of Justice William Little Lee (1821-57) at Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse) museum. Honolulu, HI. | Model of Honolulu c1850 at Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse) museum. Honolulu, HI. |
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Martial Law during WW II exhibit at Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse) museum. Honolulu, HI. | Censorship rules during WW II exhibit at Ali'iolani Hale (Old Courthouse) museum. Honolulu, HI. |