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View of downtown Honolulu highrises from rim of Punchbowl Crater. Honolulu, HI. | View of downtown Honolulu from off the coast. Honolulu, HI. | View of downtown Honolulu from off the coast. Honolulu, HI. | View of downtown Honolulu centered on Federal Building from off the coast. Honolulu, HI. |
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View of downtown Honolulu centered on Federal Building from off the coast. Honolulu, HI. | Aerial view of downtown Honolulu. Honolulu, HI. | Statue of King Kamehameha with City Financial Tower, First Hawaiian Center, Central Pacific Plaza, Pauahi Tower & 1132 Bishop. Honolulu, HI. | Highrises around Hawaii State Capitol. Honolulu, HI. |
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Harbor Court & Topa Financial Center Towers over Honolulu Harbor. Honolulu, HI. | Dillingham Transportation Building (1929) between Topa Financial Center & Pacific Guardian Center. Honolulu, HI. Architect: Lincoln Rogers. On National Register. | Blue Pacific Guardian Center & Harbor Square. Honolulu, HI. | Skyline of Honolulu with One Waterfront Towers. Honolulu, HI. |
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Hokua (2006) (1288 Ala Moana), round Nauru (1992) (1330 Ala Moana), 1350 Ala Moana (1968), black & white Hawaiki (1999) (88 Piikoi St.), & twin oval Moana Pacific (2007) (1288 Kapiolani Blvd.) Towers. Honolulu, HI. | Condominium towers of Ala Moana district between Honolulu & Waikiki seen from sea. Honolulu, HI. | Condominium towers of Ala Moana district between Honolulu & Waikiki seen from sea. Honolulu, HI. | Condominium towers of Ala Moana district between Honolulu & Waikiki seen from sea. Honolulu, HI. |
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Hokua (2006) (1288 Ala Moana), round Nauru (1992) (1330 Ala Moana), 1350 Ala Moana (1968) & black & white Hawaiki (1999) (88 Piikoi St.) Towers over beach of Waikiki. Honolulu, HI. | Hokua (2006) (1288 Ala Moana), round Nauru (1992) (1330 Ala Moana), & 1350 Ala Moana (1968) Towers over Waikiki yacht harbor. Honolulu, HI. | Skyline of Honolulu from downtown to Waikiki. Waikiki, HI. | Skyline of Waikiki from Ala Moana through to Kapi''olani Park from sea. Waikiki, HI. |
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Skyline of Waikiki from Hilton Village through to Kapi''olani Park from sea. Waikiki, HI. | Skyline of Waikiki along shoreline from Kapi''olani Park. Waikiki, HI. | Skyline of Waikiki along shoreline from Hilton Village to Hyatt Regency Waikiki. Waikiki, HI. | Waikiki skyline from Hilton Hawaiian Village through Sheraton Hotel seen from sea. Waikiki, HI. |
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Trump International Hotel & Condos towers above surrounding highrises. Waikiki, HI. | Blue glass Trump International Hotel & Condos set amid surrounding highrises. Waikiki, HI. | Skyline of Waikiki from Trump International Hotel to Sheraton Hotel. Waikiki, HI. | Skyline of Waikiki around Sheraton & Royal Hawaiian Hotels. Waikiki, HI. |
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Waikiki skyline from Sheraton Hotel eastward. Waikiki, HI. | Sheraton & Royal Hawaiian Hotels over Waikiki Beach. Waikiki, HI. | Hyatt Regency Waikiki Towers (1976) (39 floors) (2424 Kalakaua Ave.). Waikiki, HI. Architect: Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo. | Ala Wai canal. Waikiki, HI. |
Ala Wai canal. Waikiki, HI. |