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Sundial (1968) by Imre Kalincsak in library park. Riverside, CA. | Sundial atop Casa Terrades. Barcelona, Spain. | Sundial on facade of Vizcaya Museum. Miami, FL. | Sundial on wall at Cluny Museum. Paris, France. |
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Sundial (1674) at St Malo Museum. St Malo, France. | Sundials on tower facade of Old St Saviour's Church. Caen, France. | Sundial & time charts in granite at Brigham Young University - Hawaii Campus. Laie, HI. | Archway cupola with wind vane & sundial at Russborough House. Ireland. |
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Mather Sundial (1907) & University Chapel. Princeton, NJ. | Wall sundial over garden at Vanderbilt Mansion. Centerport, NY. | Memorial sundial at Carillon Historical Park. Dayton, OH. | Sculpted Territorial Sundial (1959) showing early history of Washington state by John W. Elliott near State Capitol building. Olympia, WA. |
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Domes & sundials on side of Basilica Jasna Gora in Czestochowa. Poland. | St George & sundials on Jasna Gora in Czestochowa. Poland. | Octagonal facet head sundial of typical Scottish design at Pitmedden Garden. Pitmedden, Scotland. | Elaborate sundial sculpture with lions on grounds of Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. |
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Scottish multifaceted sundial in garden at Broughton House. Kirkcudbright, Scotland. | Exterior decoration & corner sundial on John Knox House. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Lectern sundial which told time in several world cities were popular (17-18thC) in Scotland as sculptures for mansion gardens at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. | Lectern sundial which told time in several world cities were popular (17-18thC) in Scotland as sculptures for mansion gardens at National Museum of Scotland. Edinburgh, Scotland. |
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Ceramic fanciful Chinese creatures flank sundial with cock at Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. | Sundial on walls of Hohes Schloss zu Füssen. Füssen, Germany. | Sundial on building at Hohes Schloss zu Füssen. Füssen, Germany. | Sundial on wall at Wieskirche. Steingaden, Germany. |