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USS Constitution lantern at Park Service Visitor Center. Boston, MA. | Lantern (1765-75) from England, reputed to have hung in Boston's Old North Church on April 18, 1775 to signal British movements to Paul Revere & others at Concord Museum. Concord, MA. | Tin lantern at Nathan Hale Homestead Museum. Coventry, CT. | Ships lanterns in chandlery at Mystic Seaport. Mystic, CT. |
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Tin lantern at Joshua Hempstead House. New London, CT. | Early American glass bottles & a lantern at Judson House. Stratford, CT. | Mold-blown lanterns engraved with promotional names (1850-70) by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. at Sandwich Glass Museum. Sandwich, MA. | Mold-blown lantern (1865) engraved with name of Dr. Marcus F. Delano who served as surgeon in Civil War by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. or Cape Cod Glass Co. at Sandwich Glass Museum. Sandwich, MA. |
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Mold-blown lanterns engraved with initials RER (1880) by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. at Sandwich Glass Museum. Sandwich, MA. | Candlesticks & lanterns at Woodman Museum. Dover, NH. | Tin candle holders & lanterns (19thC) at Museum of Spanish Colonial Art. Santa Fe, NM. | Double mantled lanterns with two wicks which cast no shadow at Governor Bent Museum. Taos, NM. |
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Three-wick gimballed ship's lantern (c1684) excavated from La Belle Shipwreck (lent: TX Historical Commission) at Bullock Texas State History Museum. Austin, TX. | Flintlocks, powder & lamps in guardhouse in Fort James at Jamestown Settlement. Jamestown, VA. | Whale oil chandelier in kitchen at Craik-Patton House. Charleston, WV. | Safety lamp used in powder magazines recovered from USS Cairo. Vicksburg, MS. |
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Collection of explosion-proof mining lamps at Colorado History Museum. Denver, CO. | Carbide lamp (c1915) & miner's cap (c1895) at Washington State History Museum. Tacoma, WA. | Silver miner's lamp with Virgin Mary (19thC) from Bolivia at San Antonio Museum of Art. San Antonio, TX. | Campaign torches from 1860 presidential campaign including one with Lincoln's name at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Cane stand with torch for torch light parades in Old State Capitol. Springfield, IL. | Election parade campaign torch at 1859 Jail Museum. Independence, MO. | Campaign tin torch (1876) patented by Saulson of Troy, NY at Rutherford B. Hayes Museum. Fremont, OH. | Cut overlay parade lantern for Lincoln & Hamlin (1860) by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. at Sandwich Glass Museum. Sandwich, MA. |
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Overlay lantern pane for Lincoln campaign (1860) with rooster emblem of "Wide-Awakes" antislavery political group by Boston & Sandwich Glass Co. at Sandwich Glass Museum. Sandwich, MA. | Brass lamp with bell used in torch-light election parades at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Rutherford B. Hayes & William A. Wheeler presidential campaign lantern (1876) at Hayes Museum. Fremont, OH. | Benjamin Harrison & Levi P. Morton campaign paper lantern (1888) (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. |
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Full dinner Pail campaign lantern from William McKinley & Theodore Roosevelt election (1900) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Carved fisherman with lantern on fisherman's wharf. Monterey, CA. | Transcontinental railroad commemorative lantern (c1860-70) at Corning Museum of Glass. Corning, NY. | Antique railway lanterns & candle lanterns at Judson House. Stratford, CT. |
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Collection of railway lanterns at Nevada State Railroad Museum. Carson City, NV. | Lanterns & hardware at Barbours General Store museum. Saint John, NB. | Railway lanterns at Lomita Railroad Museum. Lomita, CA. | Lantern in New Mexico Museum of Art. Santa Fe, NM. |
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Metal temple lanterns hang in Nara. Japan. | Lantern detail on the Heian-jingu Shrine. Japan. |