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Beacon Hill brick apartments with gas lamp. Boston, MA. | Gas lamp in Beacon Hill. Boston, MA. | Dual lamp stand of downtown Los Angeles. Los Angeles, CA. | Outdoor lamp fixture at Barnsdall Park, site of Hollyhock House. Los Angeles, CA. |
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Streetlights are chandeliers on Rodeo Drive. Beverly Hills, CA. | Beverly Hills style light standard on Wilshire Blvd. Beverly Hills, CA. | Gulls on lamp posts in Ocean Beach. San Diego, CA. | Gate, lamp & City Hall (with green dome before restoration). San Francisco, CA. |
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Chinese lamp & pagoda-style roof in Chinatown. San Francisco, CA. | Street lamp at Legion of Honor Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Base of street lamp with covered wagon relief at Legion of Honor Museum. San Francisco, CA. | Ferry Building with street lamp on Embarcadero. San Francisco, CA. |
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Sextant lamp stand over flowers at Jack London Square. Oakland, CA. | Beaux Art lamp stand at Oakland City Hall. Oakland, CA. | Lampstand outside Market Center building on 17th Street. Denver, CO. | Bronze lampstand supported by sculpted canon & four rifles at Waterbury Soldiers Monument. Waterbury, CT. |
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Library of Congress lamp stand. Washington, DC. | Lamp stand with eagle at Union Station. Washington, DC. | Old Executive Office Building lamp stand with blossoms. Washington, DC. | Commorants on a light standard. FL. |
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Lamp which once served as beacon for ships in Emmet park on bluff above Savannah River. Savannah, GA. | Art Nouveau lamp post on Dobó István tér in Eger. Hungary. | Seahorse lamp stand base near Bank of Ireland. Dublin, Ireland. | Lamp stand with eagles holding lights at Civil War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. |
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Lamp stand with faces & serpents at Civil War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. | Lamp stand base with bears & buffalo at Civil War Memorial. Indianapolis, IN. | Lamp stand base with bears & buffalo on War Memorial Plaza. Indianapolis, IN. | War memorial lamp stand against Market Tower building. Indianapolis, IN. |
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New SBC building (1974) (220 North Meridian St.) with lamps of US Court House & Post Office. Indianapolis, IN. Style: Modern. Architect: Kahn & Jacobs + Fleck, Burkart, Shropshire, Boots, Reid & Associates. | Bronze lamp stand at Scottish Rite Cathedral. Indianapolis, IN. | Aegon Center plaza flame-shaped light standards. Louisville, KY. | Lampstand at Michigan State Capitol. Lansing, MI. |
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Griffins supporting lamp stand at Missouri State Capitol. Jefferson City, MO. | Lamp outside Deramus Building. Kansas City, MO. | Winged lions on the light stand at Royal Palace. Amsterdam, Netherlands. | Buildings & street lamps on Rokin. Amsterdam, Netherlands. |
 |  |  | ![Lamp stand in Nathan Hale [aka New York City Hall] Park. New York, NY.](/t/USNYC/NYDC326.JPG) |
Ornate street lamps on Blauwbrung bridge near opera. Amsterdam, Netherlands. | Palace lampost detail at Het Loo. Apeldoorn, Netherlands. | Lamp stands of New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Lamp stand in Nathan Hale [aka New York City Hall] Park. New York, NY. |
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Lamp before St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Light stand and memorial in Wanganui. New Zealand. | Lamp stand at Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. | Lamp before Licking County Courthouse. Newark, OH. |
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Lampstands at entrance to Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. | Lampstand at entrance to Pennsylvania Capitol. Harrisburg, PA. | The Breakers sculpted bronze lamp post. Newport, RI. | Lamp stand in Rhode Island State House. Providence, RI. |
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Lampstand on State Capitol. Austin, TX. | Antique metal streetlight pole on East South Temple. Salt Lake City, UT. | Lamp stand at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Pioneer Square pergola lamps. Seattle, WA. |
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Lamp stands of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Detail of lampstand at Government House. Nassau, The Bahamas. |