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Civil War Cavalry Saddle used at Fort Wingate, NM at New Mexico History Museum. Santa Fe, NM. | Memorial to 1.5 million horses & mules which died in the Civil War at Museum of Virginia History. Richmond, VA. | Civil War binoculars at Boone County Historical Museum. Columbia, MO. | Field glasses of Lieutenant General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson at Museum of the Confederacy. Richmond, VA. |
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McCook family Civil War mementos at Butler-McCook House Museum. Hartford, CT. | Civil War field desk at Atlanta Historical Museum. Atlanta, GA. | Civil War lap writing table at Woodman Museum. Dover, NH. | Civil War Union camp furniture at Gettysburg NPS Museum. Gettysburg, PA. |
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Tent, chair, folding table, gloves & field glasses owned by Gen. Robert E. Lee at Museum of the Confederacy. Richmond, VA. | Civil War writing desk & sword at Vermont History Center. Barre, VT. | Civil War medal at Indiana Military Museum. Vincennes, IN. | Civil War-era ballot box (1863) used by Ohio infantry while in Virginia at museum of Ohio State Capitol. Columbus, OH. |
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Civil War flag said to have hung over Grant's Headquarters during Battle of Vicksburg at Mathews House Museum. Zanesville, OH. | Civil War printed postcards (1860s) at Mathews House Museum. Zanesville, OH. | Chair from Meade's Headquarters at Gettysburg NPS Museum. Gettysburg, PA. | Pitcher & basin damaged during Gettysburg fighting at NPS Museum. Gettysburg, PA. |
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Civil War Union mess kit at Gettysburg NPS Museum. Gettysburg, PA. | Civil War Union playing cards by American Card Co. at Gettysburg NPS Museum. Gettysburg, PA. | Medal of Honor won by Daniel Reigle (1864) at Cedar Creek in Gettysburg NPS Museum. Gettysburg, PA. | Porcelain figure of Major General George Gordon Meade in living room of Eisenhower National Historic Site. Gettysburg, PA. |
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Tent, camp bed, boots, hat, & chest with eating utensils owned by Gen. Robert E. Lee at Museum of the Confederacy. Richmond, VA. | Chest with cooking & eating utensils owned by Gen. Robert E. Lee at Museum of the Confederacy. Richmond, VA. | Great Seal of the Confederacy made (1864) in England at Museum of the Confederacy. Richmond, VA. | Embroidered eagle with two flags marking Peace at end (1866) of Civil War by wife of Col. Fletcher H. Archer using material from tent of Robert E. Lee at Siege Museum. Petersburg, VA. |
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Flag of The Confederate Logan Wildcats (later part of 36th Virginia Infantry) made by Lizzie & Susan Pillinger, Jane & Valire Morgan, Mary Casebolt & Harriet Avis at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Flag (1865) commemorating battles fought by 1st WV Veteran Infantry (USA) at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. |