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Carved lion pillar on dining room sideboard at Christian Heurich Mansion. Washington, DC. | Dining room carvings of lions at Christian Heurich Mansion. Washington, DC. | Carved wooden Hamburg coat-of-arms borne by two lions at St Michael's Church. Hamburg, Germany. | Lion face carved on front of work table at Castletown House. Ireland. |
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Dining room side table supported on winged lions with glassware at Emo Court. Ireland. | Corner shelf with drawers & lion legs at Emo Court. Ireland. | Bronze lion post holding up railing in rotunda of Massachusetts State House. Boston, MA. | Teak chair with lion (early 19thC) from China at John Cabot House. Beverly, MA. |
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Carved great armchair with lion handles in dining room at Glamis Castle. Angus, Scotland. | Armchair carved with rams & winged lions at Duff House. Banff, Scotland. | Lion carvings on snug partitions at Crown Liquor Saloon. Belfast, Northern Ireland. | Carved oak chair supported on winged lions in library of Maymont Mansion. Richmond, VA. |
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Reclining Morris chair with lion handles in sitting room of farm house at Billings Farm & Museum. Woodstock, VT. | Carved lion on pillar at Lenbachhaus. Munich, Germany. | Nautilus shell engraved in Netherlands with entry of Gustav Wilhelm of Imhoff into Batavia (now Jakarta Indonesia) on wooden lion stand carved in Nuremberg (c1743) at Germanisches Nationalmuseum. Nuremberg, Germany. | Wood rack in shape of lion (1823) at Imperial Castle. Nuremberg, Germany. |
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Detail of Androcles pulling thorn from lion on Fireplace by Thomas Carter the Younger of London in the saloon at Russborough House. Ireland. | Antique ship's compass supported by crown on Spanish castle & lion stand at Chepstow. Newport, RI. |