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Poster for William Henry Harrison, Our Brave Defender (Our cause our country Our champion general) by J. Pierson at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Poster of life of President William Henry Harrison at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Poster of William Henry Harrison North Bend, Ohio home (1840) at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | James K. Polk presidential poster (c1848) by John Sartain lithographed by N. Currier. Little Rock, AR. |
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Campaign flag (1844) of Pres. James K. Polk & VP George Mifflin Dallas (both proponents of Texas statehood) at Dallas Historical Society Museum in Hall of State in Fair Park. Dallas, TX. | Henry Clay campaign poster with Justice to Harry of the West. AR. | Poster (c1850) of Gen. Zachary Taylor & his Battles by Rufus Blanchard of Ensigns & Thayer of New York at James Madison Museum. Orange, VA. | Election poster (1848) for Zachary Taylor & Millard Fillmore of Whig party by Kelloggs & Comstock at Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. |
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Election poster (1852) for Zachary Taylor & Millard Fillmore of Whig party by N. Currier at Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. | Election poster (1856) for Millard Fillmore & Andrew J. Donelson of Grand National American Banner (aka Know Nothing) party by N. Currier at Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. | Lincoln-Hamlin campaign poster (1860) at Cleveland History Center. Cleveland, OH. | Campaign poster (1864) for Abraham Lincoln & Andrew Johnson at Northern Mariposa County Museum. Coulterville, CA. |
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Broadsheet poster summary of Presidential campaign (1864) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Ford's Theatre original poster for Our American Cousin for night (April 14, 1865) Abraham Lincoln assassinated (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Abraham Lincoln memento mori poster - born Feb. 12, 1809, died April 15, 1865 at Cleveland History Center. Cleveland, OH. | Insurance company poster with life of Abraham Lincoln from Springfield, IL at Cleveland History Center. Cleveland, OH. |
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President James Abram Garfield & VP Chester Alan Arthur printed cloth (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Grover Cleveland & Allen G. Thurman printed campaign handkerchief (1888) (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Benjamin Harrison & Levi P. Morton Protect Home Industry printed campaign handkerchief (1888) (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Benjamin Harrison & Levi P. Morton campaign paper lantern (1888) (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. |
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Benjamin Harrison Protection to Home Industries campaign poster (1888) at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Levi P. Morton Protection Benefits the Whole People campaign poster (1888) at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | William McKinley & Theodore Roosevelt campaign poster, One Country One Flag, at William McKinley Presidential Museum & Library. Canton, OH. | Campaign poster of Theodore Roosevelt for Governor & Timothy Woodruff for Lieut. Gov. at his Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Theodore Roosevelt campaign poster Fighting for Right - the Noblest of Sports (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Woodrow Wilson on poster (1917) for Brave Boys of World War I at Pueblo Union Depot Museum. Pueblo, CO. | Over the Top Uncle Sam poster with Woodrow Wilson, General Pershing & Admiral Sims (1918) by Charles Gustrine at Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library. Staunton, VA. | America First poster showing W.G. Harding holding American flag (1920) by Howard Chandler Christy in Heritage Hall museum. Marion, OH. |
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Our Nation Mourns Warren G. Harding poster (1923) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Don't Change Now reelection poster at Hoover Museum. West Branch, IA. | F.D. Roosevelt campaign fan in Presidential Museum. Hyde Park, NY. | Richard Nixon poster from his first try for Congress after WW II at Nixon Library. Yorba Linda, CA. |
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Kennedy for President poster in JFK Library. Boston, MA. | Kennedy / Johnson poster in JFK Library. Boston, MA. | Welcome Mr. Kennedy to Dallas poster lists conservative complaints & displays political environment surrounding President's 1963 visit at The Sixth Floor Museum at Dealey Plaza. Dallas, TX. | LBJ U.S. Senate campaign poster (1941) at LBJ Museum. San Marcos, TX. |
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Barry Goldwater poster (1964) at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. | Jimmy Carter campaign poster in Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum. Atlanta, GA. | Jimmy Carter inauguration poster in Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum. Atlanta, GA. |