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Wooton desk made in Indianapolis (1874-97) at Museum of Western Art. Kerrville, TX. | Some of the 110 compartments in Wooton desk at Museum of Western Art. Kerrville, TX. | Mail slot in Wooton desk at Museum of Western Art. Kerrville, TX. | Decorative finials atop Wooton desk at Museum of Western Art. Kerrville, TX. |
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Wooten-style desk rolls on its wheels at Arizona History Museum. Tucson, AZ. | Wooten-style desk could lock shut to keep contents private at Arizona History Museum. Tucson, AZ. | Patented desk (1874-6) by Wooton Desk Co. at Oakland Museum of California. Oakland, CA. | Wooten Patent Desk (1874-97) from Indiana at A.R. Mitchell Museum of Western Art. Trinidad, CO. |
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Wooten Patent Desk (1874-97) from Indiana at A.R. Mitchell Museum of Western Art. Trinidad, CO. | Mail slot on Wooten Patent Desk (1874-97) at A.R. Mitchell Museum of Western Art. Trinidad, CO. | Wooten Patent Desk (1874-97) beside cast iron stove in drug store office at Mystic Seaport. Mystic, CT. | Cubbyhole desk in museum section of old Nevada State Capitol. Carson City, NV. |
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Swing-open desk with storage drawers in Garfield Presidential Library at Garfield home. Mentor, OH. | Harrison's law office swing-open desk with storage drawers made by worker of Wooten workshop who went independent at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Swing-open desk with storage drawers used by Harrison in his downtown Indianapolis office at Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site. Indianapolis, IN. | Wooten style desk in library at Vaile Mansion. Independence, MO. |
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Moore Combination Desk of Indianapolis (c1882) which could be closed for transport by train or wagon at Vaile Mansion. Independence, MO. | Moore Combination Desk of Indianapolis (c1882) with slide out surface so work-in-progress need not be disturbed at Vaile Mansion. Independence, MO. | Unique mechanical desk acquired (c1870) by John P. Hale , co-founder of WV State Museum at West Virginia State Museum. Charleston, WV. | Swing open desk in Mrs. Kyle's bedroom at Campbell House Museum. St. Louis, MO. |