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Museum of the Annonciade (1510) (2 Place Georges Grammon). St Tropez, France. | Entrance gate to Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Entrance to Museum of the Annonciade, former chapel turned museum (1937). St Tropez, France. | Ground floor gallery of Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. |
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Three masted Le Félicie (Trois-mâts le Félicie) watercolor (1844) by Antoine Roux at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | View of St. Tropez at sunset in pine woods (Vue de Saint-Tropez, coucher de soleil au bois de pins) painting (1896) by Paul Signac at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Marseille, fishing boats & Fort St Jean (Marseille, barques de pêche ou le Fort de Saint-Jean) painting (1907) by Paul Signac at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Boats at Sea (Voiliers sur la mer) painting (1900) by Theodore Van Rysselberghe at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. |
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Annette's Soup (La soupe d'Annette) painting (1900-1) by Edouard Vuillard at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Interior with Two Chairs (Intérieur aux deux chaises) painting (1901) by Edouard Vuillard at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | St Tropez houses on Port (Saint Tropez, Les maisons du Port) painting (1905) by Albert Marquet at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Port of St. Tropez (Port de Saint-Tropez) painting (1906) by Henri Lebasque at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. |
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Farmhouse with red roof (La ferme au toit rouge) painting (c1923) by Pierre Bonnard at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Pink Road (La route rose) painting (1934) by Pierre Bonnard at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Draped Bather (La Baigneuse drapée) bronze sculpture (1921) by Aristide Maillol at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. | Centerpiece of Three Nymphes, called La Nymphe bronze sculpture (1930) by Aristide Maillol at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. |
Collection of ivory objects from Meiji era (1868-1912) from Japan at Museum of the Annonciade. St Tropez, France. |