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Smithsonian Institution Center for American Art Museum & Portraiture. Washington, DC. | Great Horseshoe Fall, Niagara painting (1820) by Alvan Fisher at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | General View of the Falls of Niagara painting (1820) by Alvan Fisher at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | On the Ohio River painting (1840) by unknown at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Buffalo Hunt of the Southwester Prairies painting (1845) by John Mix Stanley at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Winter Skating in New Jersey painting (1847) by Régis François Gignoux at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Headless Horseman Pursuing Ichabod Crane painting (1858) by John Quidor at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Storm on the Hudson painting (1866) by Samuel Colman at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Among the Sierra Nevada, California painting (1868) by Albert Bierstadt at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Sunrise in the Sierras painting (1872) by Albert Bierstadt at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Cathedral Rocks, Yosemite Valley painting (1872) by Albert Bierstadt at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Gates of the Yosemite painting (1882) by Albert Bierstadt at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Market Day Outside the Walls of Tangiers, Morocco painting (1873) by Louis Comfort Tiffany at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | With Sloping Mast & Dipping Prow painting (1880-5) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Jonah painting (1888-95) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Flying Dutchman painting (1887) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Moonlight painting (1887) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Pastoral Study painting (1897) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Pegasus Departing painting (1901) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | King Cophetua & the Beggar Maid painting (c1906-7) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Lord Ullin's Daughter painting (before 1907) by Albert Pinkham Ryder at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Woman with Red Hair painting (1894) by Albert Herter at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Idle Hours painting (1895) by H. Siddons Mowbray at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Russian Tea painting (1896) by Irving R. Wiles at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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The Caress painting (1902) by Mary Cassatt at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | In the Garden painting (1892-4) by Thomas Wilmer Dewing at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Music painting (c1895) by Thomas Wilmer Dewing at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | The Spinet painting (c1902) by Thomas Wilmer Dewing at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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The Necklace painting (c1907) by Thomas Wilmer Dewing at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Lady in White painting (c1910) by Thomas Wilmer Dewing at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | The Purple Dress painting (1908-10) by William J. Glackens at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | The Mirror painting (1910) by Robert Reid at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Spring Dance painting (c1917) by Arthur F. Mathews at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | St Nicholas painting (c1837) by Robert Walter Weir at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Last of the Tribes marble sculpture (1867-77) by Hiram Powers at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Marble sculpture Fisher Girl (c1858) by William Randolph Barbee & St John the Evangelist (1875) by Thomas Ball at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |
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Concord Minute Man of 1775 bronze sculpture (1889 cast 1917) by Daniel Chester French at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Modern American folk sculpture at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. | Modern American folk sculpture at Smithsonian American Art Museum. Washington, DC. |