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St Paul painting (c1333) by Bernardo Daddi of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | St Catherine of Alexandria painting (c1335) by Ugolino Lorenzetti of Siena at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Annunciation & Expulsion from Paradise painting (c1435) by Giovanni di Paolo from Siena at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Madonna & Child painting (c1445-50) by Domenico Veneziano of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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St Peter painting (1445-50) by Michele Giambono of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | St Anthony Abbot & St Bernardino of Siena painting (1459) by Jacopo Bellini of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | St Lucy painting (c1473-4) by Francesco del Cossa of Ferrarese at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Madonna & Child with St Anthony Abbot & St Sigismund painting (1490-5) by Nercoccio de' Landi of Siena at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Adoration of the Magi painting (c1440-60) by Fra Angelico & Fra Filippo Lippi of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Portrait of a Youth (c1485) by Filippino Lippi of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Pietà (c1500) by Filippino Lippi of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | David with Head of Goliath painting (c1450-5) by Andrea del Castagno of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Portrait of Man painting (c1470) by Andrea Mantegna of Padua at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Ginevra de' Benci painting (c1474-8) by Leonardo da Vinci of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Terracotta bust of Giuliano de' Medici (1475-8) by Andrea del Verrocchio of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Terracotta bust of Lorenzo de' Medici (1478-1521) by Florentine artist probably after Andrea del Verrocchio at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Madonna & Child painting (c1470) by Sandro Botticelli of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Adoration of the Magi painting (c1478-82) by Sandro Botticelli of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Giuliano de' Medici painting (c1478-80) by Sandro Botticelli of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Portrait of a Youth painting (c1482-5) by Sandro Botticelli of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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St Jerome Reading painting (1505) by Giovanni Bellini at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | St George & the Dragon painting (c1506) by Raphael at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Portrait of a Gentleman painting (c1520) by Bartolomeo Veneto at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Holy Family painting (c1525) by Agnolo Bronzino of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Young Woman & her Little Boy painting (c1540) by Agnolo Bronzino of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Monsignor della Casa painting (c1541-4) by Pontormo of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Gilded walnut Italian stool (c1540-60) at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Portrait of Venetian Gentleman (c1510) by Giorgione & Titian at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Doge Andrea Gritti portrait (1546-8) by Titian of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Portrait of a Lady (c1555) by Titian of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Venus with a Mirror painting (c1555) by Titian of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Venus & Adonis painting (c1560) by Titian of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Entrance to the Grand Canal from the Molo, Venice painting (1742-4) by Canaletto at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | St Mark's Square, Venice painting (1742-4) by Canaletto at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Conversion of St Paul painting (c1545) by Jacopo Tintoretto of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Madonna of the Stars painting (2nd half of 16thC) by Jacopo Tintoretto of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Portrait of Venetian Senator (c1570) by Jacopo Tintoretto of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Susanna painting (c1575) by Jacopo Tintoretto of Venice at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Head of a Bull marble sculpture (1824) by Gaetano Monti at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Glazed terracotta Nativity (c1460) by Luca della Robbia of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Glazed terracotta Madonna & Child (c1475) by Luca della Robbia of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Glazed terracotta Adoration of the Child (after 1477) by Andrea della Robbia of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Glazed terracotta Madonna & Child (c1480) by workshop of Andrea della Robbia of Florence at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Limestone head of a woman (1910-1) by Amedeo Modigliani at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
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Nude on a Blue Cushion painting (1917) by Amedeo Modigliani at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Café Singer portrait (1917) by Amedeo Modigliani at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Chaim Soutine portrait (1917) by Amedeo Modigliani at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. | Madame Amédée portrait (1918) by Amedeo Modigliani at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |
Gypsy Woman with Baby portrait (1919) by Amedeo Modigliani at National Gallery of Art. Washington, DC. |