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Smithsonian National Museum of American History (1980) on National Mall. Washington, DC. Architect: McKim Mead & White.  | Conestoga Wagon (c1840-50) had curved bottoms to keep goods from sliding off the ends at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Delivery wagon (c1900) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Hansom cab (c1900) where driver sat behind passengers at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Hansom cab (c1900) doors to passenger cabin at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | John Bull Locomotive (1831) on section of first American iron rail bridge (1845) from Pennsylvania at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | John Bull Locomotive (1831) imported from England to serve America's rail link from New York to Philadelphia at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | John Bull Locomotive (1831) from England had to have guide wheels added to keep from derailing on uneven American track at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Steam locomotive Jupiter (1876) by Baldwin Locomotive Works of Philadelphia at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Steam locomotive Jupiter (1876) originally worked a narrow gauge railway in Santa Cruz, CA at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Jupiter locomotive (1876) used in Santa Clara, CA for agriculture transport in American History Museum. Washington, DC. | Details of Steam locomotive Jupiter (1876) & tender at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Electric streetcar (1898) used by Capital Traction Co. at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Electric streetcar (1898) used by Capital Traction Co. at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Southern Railway Ps-4 class steam locomotive #1401 (1926) which pulled President Franklin Roosevelt's funeral train at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Drive wheel details of Southern Railway Ps-4 class steam locomotive #1401 (1926) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Cab details of Southern Railway Ps-4 class steam locomotive #1401 (1926) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Nose of Southern Railway Ps-4 class steam locomotive #1401 (1926) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Ps-4 class steam locomotive (1926-51) which pulled F.D. Roosevelt's funeral train in American History Museum. Washington, DC. | Winton touring car Vermont (1903) in which H. Nelson Jackson & Sewall K. Crocker & dog Bud completed the first motor trip across the USA at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Goggles for Bud the dog used on first motor trip across the USA at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Collection of automobile maker radiator emblems by year at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Toy vehicles at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Columbia Electric Runabout (1904) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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Ford Model T Touring Car (1913) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Ford Model T roadster (1926) in an historic garage at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Lincoln Highway marker (1928) to mark route of first road from New York to California at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Oakland sedan (1929) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |
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36-passenger Dodge school bus (1936) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Collection of autos, buses & motorcycles at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. | Ford Country Squire station wagon (1955) at National Museum of American History. Washington, DC. |