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Former main Villa gallery of J. Paul Getty Museum (1972-3) which now specializes in Greek, Roman & Etruscan art. Malibu, CA. Style: Roman villa. Architect: Langdon & Wilson, Stephen Garrett, Norman Neuerberg. | Bust of man wearing a turban sculpture in courtyard at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze Griffin head once a cauldron decoration (c650 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze handle with horses from water jar (550-525 BCE) from Southern Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Greek silver & gold relief with mythological scenes (540-530 BCE) from Southern Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze mirror with Medusa (500-480 BCE) from South Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze roundel with comic mask (c300 BCE) from South Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Roman bronze statue of comic actor wearing an animal mask (c100 BCE - 100 CE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Roman bronze lamp is shape of comic actor (75-125 CE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze horse armor segment (c480 BCE) from South Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze helmet (400-375 BCE) from South Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze ceremonial helmet with griffon crown (350-300 BCE) from South Italy at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Greek bronze water jar (Kalpis) with Herakles & Eros (c350 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Detail of Herakles & Eros on Greek bronze water jar (Kalpis) (c350 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze & silver lidded cauldron with Satyr (50-1 BCE) from Eastern Mediterranean at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Persian silver & gold spouted jar with lion-griffon handles (350-325 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Greek silver wine strainer with duck head handles (350-300 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek silver & gold bull's head ceremonial cup (c100 BCE - 100 CE) from Eastern Mediterranean at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Roman silver & gold statuette of bull (c100 BCE - 79 CE) from Pompeii at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Parthian silver, gold & garnet spouted horn (rhyton) with lion (100-1 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Greek gold & glass earrings with Nike pendants (225-175 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek gold & gemstone carved jewelry with goddess images (205-100 BCE) prob. Ptolemaic from Alexandria at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek gold snake bracelet (300-100 BCE) from Egypt at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Scythian gold, turquoise & lapis harness decorations with Griffins (100 BCE - 100 CE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Roman gold & glass funerary crown diadem (50-25 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Roman gold & gemstone coin belt (379-400 CE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Detail of Roman gold & gemstone coin belt (379-400 CE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek bronze elephant unit of weight (mina) (250-200 BCE) made in Syria at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |
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Silver tetradrachm coin with head of Alexander the Great (323-281 BCE) minted in Amphipolis at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek coins & engraved gems at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. | Greek terracotta & bronze oil vessels shaped as female heads (c470-1 BCE) at Getty Museum Villa. Malibu, CA. |