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Corbett House (1907) host Arts & Crafts collection at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. Style: Mission Revival. | Mission Revival arcade entrance of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Mission Revival pierced detail of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Carriage step at curb of J. Knox Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Mission Revival window detail of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Mission Revival facade detail of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arizona sleeping porch of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Landscaping joins Corbett House to Tucson Museum of Art campus. Tucson, AZ. |
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Front door of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Gilded Age display cabinet in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Details of Gilded Age display cabinet in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Details of Gilded Age display cabinet in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Details of Gilded Age display cabinet in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Entrance hall in Arts & Crafts style of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts style living room of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts tall clock in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Morris chair #471 (1900-20) by L.&J.G. Stickley & stool in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts table lamp & embroidery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Settle (1890-20) by L.&J.G. Stickley & embroidered pillows in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Candlestick telephone (1890-1920) by Stromberg-Carlson Telephone Mfg. Co. on Arts & Crafts phone table with swing arm by Stickley Brothers plus copper Roycroft candlestick under telephone with handcrank (c1897) by Kellog S.& S. Co. in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Arts & Crafts oak parlor table (1900-20) by Grand Rapids Furniture Co. & chairs in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Living room fireplace with collection of Arts & Crafts era pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Living room fireplace with collection of Arts & Crafts era pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Collection of Arts & Crafts pottery vases by Grueby Faience, Burley-Winter Pottery, McCoy Pottery, Rookwood, etc. in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Collection of Arts & Crafts era pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Collection of Arts & Crafts era pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts glazed stoneware vase by Burley-Winter Pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts ceramic floral motif vase by McCoy Pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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stoneware vase with iris decoration by Sarah Reid McLaughlin of S.A. Weller Pottery in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts brass teapot on stand by WMF in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Dining room with table & chairs by Stickley Brothers in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Glass luster candlesticks in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Custom-made dining room breakfront sideboard (1907) in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts copper coffee set in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | footed centerpiece glass bowl by Tiffany Glass Furnaces in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts sideboard (1890-1920) by unknown in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Arts & Crafts stained glass electric table lamp (1901-2) in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts sideboard (1910) by Superior Furniture Co. in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | hand painted porcelain coffee set (1914) by Thomas Porcelain of Bavaria, Germany in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts sideboard (1890-1920) by unknown in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Collection of porcelain & silver service pieces in Arts & Crafts glass fronted display case in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Silver Basket With Handle (1910-5) by Shreve & Co. & silver bowl (1900-20) by J.N. Miller for G.T. Eichorn in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. AZ. | Paramount gas range by Malleable Iron Range Co. of Beaver Dam, WI in kitchen of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Malleable Iron Range Co. of Beaver Dam, WI maker's name in kitchen of Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Kitchen counter in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Leonard Cleanable Icebox (c1900) by Grand Rapids Refrigerator Co. in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Pantry with collection of antique food containers in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Kitchen pantry counter in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Arts & Crafts piano & bench (1900-1930) by J.M. Young Co. of Camden, NJ plus arm chair, music cabinet & gramophone in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts piano & bench (1900-1930) by J.M. Young Co. of Camden, NJ over Emerson Piano in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts oak secretary desk (1890-1910) by unknown in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts bed with stained glass (1920) by LifeTime Furniture & side table by Stickley Brothers in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Arts & Crafts oak library desk table (1908) by Cadillac Cabinet Co. of Detroit, MI & arm chair (1900-20) by Quaint Furniture (Stickley Brothers Co.) of Grand Rapids, MI in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts vanity dresser with mirror (1900-20) by Quaint Furniture (Stickley Brothers Co.) of Grand Rapids, MI in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Bathroom cabinet with collection of patent medicines in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Bathroom cabinet with antique soap & liniment boxes in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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Bathroom cabinet with antique pill & tonic boxes in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Bathroom cabinet with antique first aid boxes in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Bathroom cabinet with antique salve & toilet article boxes in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Antique tonic bottles in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
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White Rotary sewing machine & oak sewing rocker (1890-1910) by Gustav Stickley in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Arts & Crafts table runner with Egyptian revival scarab embroidery (1890-1910) in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | Wall clock by Sessions Clock Co. of Forestville, CT, framed tile with star by Rookwood Architectural Faience & Roycroft desk blotter in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. | The Roycroft Birthday Book in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |
Elbert Hubbard's Scrap Book (1923) in Corbett House at Tucson Museum of Art. Tucson, AZ. |