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Stained glass window of buffalo at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Arapaho Indian beaded child's vest (c1880) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Flathead Indian woman's beaded leggings (c1880) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Santee Sioux quilled bag (c1880) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Arapaho Indian beaded dispatch bag (c1885) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Sioux beaded moccasins (c1890) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Plateau Indian beaded moccasins (19thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Plateau Indian beaded gauntlets (c1920) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Ogallala Sioux beaded saddle pockets (19thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Nez Perce child's cradle board (c1920) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Sioux beaded child's cradle board (1930s) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Cheyenne Indian child's dress (1880s) with cowrie shells at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Navajo blankets (c1890 & c1920s) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Navajo transitional wearing blanket (c1895) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Washo Indian basket with human figures (c1900) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Hupa Indian woven hat from Central California at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Nez Perce woven corn husk hat at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Macah Indian baskets (c1940-70) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Macah Indian baskets (c1940-70) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Inuit beaded baskets (c1905) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Zuni Indian roadrunner inlay silver jewelry (mid 20thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Zuni Indian silver inlay jewelry (mid 20thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Indian warrior painting (1898) by Charles M. Russell at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Peace Signs painting by Ace Powell at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Taking Aim painting by John McDemott at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Collection of hunting trophy heads at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Powder flask (mid 19thC) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | U.S. Cavalry white summer dress helmet (1880) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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U.S. Cavalry campaign hat (1872) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Decorated sombreros (1890-1920) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Charro outfit with silver decoration (c1910) at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Forrest Riley Parade Saddle with silver decoration (1948-53) by San Fernando Valley Saddlery at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Charles Hipp Parade Saddle with silver & gold decoration (1937) by Edward H. Bohlin at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Gun & holster decorated with silver & gold by Edward H. Bohlin at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Ute Chieftain Parade Saddle with silver decoration by Heiser-Keyston at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Western artist Burt Procter's studio with paintings & furniture moved to Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |
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Collection of furniture from various Wyoming cattle barons including horned mirror which Buffalo Bill had in his Irma hotel at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. | Collection of stoneware jugs from Pueblo, CO, at Nelson Museum of the West. Cheyenne, WY. |