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SC Johnson Wax Research Tower (1936). Racine, WI. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. | Upper part of SC Johnson Wax Research Tower. Racine, WI. | SC Johnson Wax Research Tower & Administration Building. Racine, WI. | Round roof structures atop SC Johnson Wax Administration Building. Racine, WI. |
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Fence & lamp stand of SC Johnson Wax complex. Racine, WI. | Lines of design of SC Johnson Wax Building. Racine, WI. | SC Johnson Wax Administration Building (1936). Racine, WI. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright. | Balconies of SC Johnson Wax Administration Building. Racine, WI. |
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SC Johnson Golden Rondelle & Research Tower. Racine, WI. | SC Johnson Golden Rondelle was SC Johnson Pavilion at New York World's Fair (1964-5). Racine, WI. Architect: Lippincott & Margulies. | SC Johnson Golden Rondelle theater & center for guest relations, moved from New York World's Fair & built into new structure. Racine, WI. Architect: Frank Lloyd Wright Foundation. | SC Johnson Golden Rondelle & Wright designs of building which now incorporates it. Racine, WI. |
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Detail of Lippincott & Margulies' Golden Rondelle now at SC Johnson Wax compound. Racine, WI. | Underside of Golden Rondelle at SC Johnson Wax compound. Racine, WI. | Steel & Formica desk for Johnson Wax Co. of Racine, WI (1936-9) by Frank Lloyd Wright & made by Steelcase, Inc., at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. | Steel & Formica desk for Johnson Wax Co. of Racine, WI (1936-9) by Frank Lloyd Wright & made by Steelcase, Inc., at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |
Frank Lloyd Wright designed office chair (1936-9) for Johnson Wax Co. of Racine, WI, at Art Institute of Chicago. Chicago, IL. |