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Wisconsin State Capitol (1906-17). Madison, WI. Architect: George Browne Post & Sons. | One of four entrances to Rotunda of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | One of four Neoclassical wings of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Dome of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Wisconsin statue by Daniel Chester French atop Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Allegorical pediment of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Statuary atop Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Details of statues around dome of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Details of statues around dome of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Details of statues around dome of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Details of statues around dome of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Portal of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Flowers around Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Pediment scene of animal husbandry on Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Town side approach to Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Forward statue by Jean Miner is Wisconsin Women's Memorial (1893) display at Columbian Exposition now on State Capitol grounds. Madison, WI. |
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External stairway of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Lamp stands of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Dome interior of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Mural at apex of dome in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Mural by Edwin Blashfield at oculus of dome in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Rich decor of rotunda in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Rich decor of rotunda in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Government mosaic in rotunda of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Liberty mosaic in rotunda of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Justice mosaic in rotunda of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Legislation mosaic in rotunda of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Colored marble floor in rotunda of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Neoclassical details of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Senate chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Mural showing east meeting west in Senate chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Allegorical figures on mural in Senate chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Skylight of Senate chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Detail of skylight of Senate chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | House chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Wisconsin mural by Edwin Blashfield showing past, present & future of state in House chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Detail of house mural with symbolic Wisconsin surrounded by waterways of state. Madison, WI. | Old Abe Eagle mascot of Civil War 8th Infantry Regiment now in House of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Skylight of House chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Detail of skylight in House chamber of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Governor's Reception Room in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Fireplace of Governor's Reception Room in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Painting by Hugo Ballin in Governor's Reception Room in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Painting by Hugo Ballin in Governor's Reception Room in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Painting of explorer Jean Nicolet landing in Green Bay in 1634 by Hugo Ballin in Governor's Reception Room in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Painting of second Madison capitol which burned in 1904 by Hugo Ballin in Governor's Reception Room in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | State symbol badger from battleship USS Wisconsin (1899) by Paul Kupper cast in bronze from cannons captured in Cuba in State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Stairway to Supreme Court Chamber in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Supreme Court Chamber in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Painting of signing of US Constitution by Albert Herter in Supreme Court Chamber in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Painting of George Washington at signing of US Constitution by Albert Herter in Supreme Court Chamber in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Painting of trial of Chief Oshkosh by Albert Herter in Supreme Court Chamber in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Painting of signing of Magna Carta by Albert Herter in Supreme Court Chamber in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | GAR Memorial Hearing Room of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Native American transportation mural in GAR Memorial Hearing Room of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | 1920s transportation mural in GAR Memorial Hearing Room of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |
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Canoe transport brings first French settlers to Wisconsin wilderness in mural in GAR Memorial Hearing Room of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | 1920s women stroll past steam locomotive in mural in GAR Memorial Hearing Room of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Mural of steamship & horseless carriage in GAR Memorial Hearing Room of Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. | Badger carving in Wisconsin State Capitol. Madison, WI. |