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Steps up Virginia State Capitol Square. Richmond, VA. | Portico of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Senate wing of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Virginia State Capitol (1785-88) was modeled on the Maison Carrée in Nimes, France. Richmond, VA. Architect: Thomas Jefferson & Charles Clérisseau. On National Register.  |
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Lamp stand at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | North facade of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | House wing of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Virginia State Capitol with Richmond skyline. Richmond, VA. |
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White marble statue of George Washington (1785) by Jean-Antoine Houdon in rotunda of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA.  | Detail of George Washington statue made from life by Houdon in rotunda of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Detail of George Washington statue by Houdon in Virginia State Capitol is most accurate likeness known. Richmond, VA. | Rotunda of Virginia State Capitol with busts of Virginian American Presidents. Richmond, VA. |
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Rotunda of Virginia State Capitol with dome & Washington statue. Richmond, VA. | Interior of Virginia State Capitol dome. Richmond, VA. | Details of Virginia State Capitol dome interior. Richmond, VA. | Virginia State Seal in ceiling of Capitol rotunda. Richmond, VA. |
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Thomas Jefferson bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | James Madison bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | James Monroe bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | William Henry Harrison bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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John Tyler bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Zachary Taylor bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Woodrow Wilson bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Marquis de Lafayette bust (1785) by Jean Houdon in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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Old Hall of the House of Delegates Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Statues of Virginia notables line Old Hall of the House of Delegates Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | General Robert E. Lee statue by Rudulph Evans in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Facial detail of Robert E. Lee statue in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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Confederate President Jefferson Davis bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | General Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson bust by Bryant Baker in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | General J.E.B. Stuart bust in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Explorer Meriwether Lewis bust by John A. Lanzalotti in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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Texas liberator Sam Houston bust by F. William Sievers in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Revolution leader Richard Henry Lee bust by Bryant Baker in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Declaration of Rights author George Mason bust by Chester Beach in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Revolution leader Patrick Henry bust by F. William Sievers in Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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Senate chamber of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Senate chamber of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Adoption of Virginia Declaration of Rights in Williamsburg on June 12, 1776, painting by Jack Clifton Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | First Legislature in New World in Jamestown on July 30 - Aug. 4, 1618, under Governor Sir George Yeardley painting by Jack Clifton Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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House chamber of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Dias of House chamber of Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Old Senate hall of Virginia State Capitol with paintings of storming of Yorktown & arrival of ships bringing settlers to Jamestown. Richmond, VA. | Storming of Yorktown (Oct. 14, 1781) painting (1840) by Louis Eugene Lami at Virginia State Capitol Old Senate Hall. Richmond, VA. |
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First English Settlers at Jamestown (1607) painting (1949) by Griffith Baily Coale at Virginia State Capitol Old Senate Hall. Richmond, VA. | Jefferson Room at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Portrait of Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) by George Catlin after painting by Thomas Sully at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Portrait of George Mason at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. |
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Portrait of Colonel George Rogers Clark (1752-1818) commander of Virginia troops (1778) at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Henry Clay (1777-1852) painting (c1840s) by Edward Peticolas after John Neagle original at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Detail of Henry Clay portrait by Peticolas after Neagle at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Virginia State seal at Capitol Square pavement. Richmond, VA. |
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Fountain & rose bushes on Virginia State Capitol Square. Richmond, VA. | Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson statue (1875) by John H. Foley at Virginia State Capitol grounds. Richmond, VA. | Bell Tower (1824) on Virginia State Capitol grounds was guard tower used to call local defenders during Civil War. Richmond, VA. On National Register. | Bell Tower (1824) at Virginia State Capitol now Virginia Travel Information Center. Richmond, VA. |
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Cupola & bell of Bell Tower (1824) at Virginia State Capitol. Richmond, VA. | Equestrian statue of George Washington (1858) Monument by Thomas Crawford at Virginia State Capitol grounds. Richmond, VA. On National Register.  | Virginia Governor's Mansion where three Presidents have lived: Monroe, Tyler, William Henry Harrison. Richmond, VA.  |