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John Fitzgerald Kennedy Library (1979). Boston, MA. Architect: I.M. Pei.  | John Fitzgerald Kennedy Birthplace National Historic Site (83 Beals St. in Brookline). Boston, MA.  | Former home of John Fitzgerald Kennedy until he moved to The White House (3307 N St. NW, Georgetown). Washington, DC. On National Register. | Former home of Jackie Kennedy (c1794) (3017 N St., Georgetown). Washington, DC. |
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Boeing 707 Air Force 1 used by Kennedy through Clinton & which was in Dallas in November 1963 where Johnson was sworn in as President at US Air Force Museum. Dayton, OH. | Old Texas School Book Depository from where the shot which killed President John F. Kennedy was fired (sixth floor at right corner). Dallas, TX. | John F. Kennedy Memorial (1970) (Market at Commerce Streets) in front of Bank of America Plaza. Dallas, TX. Architect: Philip Johnson. | John F. Kennedy Memorial & building which houses Conspiracy Museum. Dallas, TX. |
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Former Rice Hotel where President John Fitzgerald Kennedy ate his last meal. Houston, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library sculpted panel of John F. Kennedy & LBJ. Austin, TX. | John F. Kennedy's grave & eternal flame in Arlington National Cemetery. Arlington, VA. | Robert E. Lee mansion (1803) above Kennedy's grave at sunset. Arlington, VA. |
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35: John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1961-1963) lived (1917-1963). XP. | John F. Kennedy inauguration medal (January 20, 1961) at National Museum of the American Indian. Washington, DC. | John Fitzgerald Kennedy portrait (1963) by Elaine de Kooning at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. | John F. Kennedy display at Battleship Cove P.T. Boat Museum. Fall River, MA. |
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Memorial prayer for John F. Kennedy at Battleship Cove P.T. Boat Museum. Fall River, MA. | PT109 film about John F. Kennedy's WW II heroism shows patrol boat sinking at Movieland Wax Museum. Buena Park, CA. | John F. Kennedy Memorial in Bayfront Park. Miami, FL. | John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts (1971) (2700 F. St. NW). Washington, DC. Style: Modern. Architect: Edward Durrel Stone Assoc.. |