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Lyndon B. Johnson Library & Museum (1971) (Univ. of Texas, 2313 Red River St.). Austin, TX. Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library corner detail. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library central staircase & files holding LBJ documents. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library central staircase & files holding LBJ documents. Austin, TX. |
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Lyndon B. Johnson Library sculpted panel of John F. Kennedy & LBJ. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library replica of LBJ's Oval Office with desk. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library replica of LBJ's Oval Office with portrait of Franklin Roosevelt. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library bowl from LBJ's White House china with wildflower motif. Austin, TX. |
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Lyndon B. Johnson Library place setting from LBJ's White House china with wildflower motif. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library campaign buttons supporting LBJ & opponent Barry Goldwater. Austin, TX. | Lyndon Baines Johnson LBJ campaign button (1964) (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library campaign buttons supporting LBJ & opponent Barry Goldwater. Austin, TX. |
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Model T Ford (1910) in Lyndon B. Johnson Museum. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library Presidential Lincoln limousine used by LBJ. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library moon rock sample gathered during LBJ's tenure. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library Beatles dolls from display of artifacts of LBJ era. Austin, TX. |
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Lyndon B. Johnson Library gift to LBJ of 3 mold-blown glass perfume bottles (1st-2ndC CE) from Israel. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library gift to LBJ of lead crystal Finnish bowl by Aimo Okkolin from Finland. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library gift to LBJ of gold bracelet with African masks from Ivory Coast. Austin, TX. | Lyndon B. Johnson Library gift to LBJ of box with precious stones & sculpted Asian Rhinos from King of Nepal. Austin, TX. |
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Photo of future President Lyndon B. Johnson with brother & sisters at LBJ Boyhood Home. Johnson City, TX. | Photo of young Lyndon B. Johnson at LBJ Boyhood Home. Johnson City, TX. | LBJ's rocking chair from Oval Office at reception center of Lyndon B. Johnson NHP at Johnson City. Johnson City, TX. | LBJ campaign buttons at reception center of Lyndon B. Johnson NHP. Johnson City, TX. |
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Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson (1964) by O.R. Hammond at Lyndon B. Johnson State Park. Stonewall, TX. | Portrait of Lyndon B. Johnson (1964) by Craig Clifford at Lyndon B. Johnson State Park. Stonewall, TX. | Portrait of President Lyndon Baines Johnston by David Philip Wilson at Texas State Capitol. Austin, TX. |