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Old Land Office (1856-7) (112 East 11th St.) with Texas motifs. Austin, TX. Style: Romanesque Revival. Architect: C. Conrad Stremme. On National Register. | Governor's Mansion (1854-6) (opposite state capitol at 1010 Colorado St.). Austin, TX. Style: Greek Revival. Architect: Abner Cook. On National Register. | Flowers on grounds of Governor's Mansion. Austin, TX. | First Methodist Church (1928) opposite State Capitol. Austin, TX. Style: Neoclassical revival. |
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View up Congress Avenue to State Capitol. Austin, TX. | Old Lundberg Bakery (1876) (1006 Congress Ave.) with carved stone eagle is now crafts shop. Austin, TX. On National Register. | Millet Opera House (1878) (112 East 9th St.). Austin, TX. Architect: Jacob Larmour & Charles Wheelock. On National Register. | Millet Opera House facade now Austin Club. Austin, TX. |
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Walter Tips building (1876) (712 Congress Ave.) now Ironstone Bank. Austin, TX. Style: Venetian Gothic. Architect: J.N. Preston. | Walter Tips (Ironstone Bank) building facade detail. Austin, TX. | Streetscape of Edward Tips building (1865) (710 Congress Ave.), Walter Tips building & Venetian Gothic structures of 700 block of Congress Ave. Austin, TX. Architect: J.N. Preston. | Paramount Theater for the Performing Arts (formerly Majestic Theater) (1915) (713 Congress Ave.). Austin, TX. Style: Beaux-Arts. |
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Paramount Theater for the Performing Arts facade details. Austin, TX. | Horse drawn carriage on Congress Ave. Austin, TX. | Driskill Hotel against One American Center. Austin, TX. | Driskill Hotel (1886) (East 6th St. at Brazos). Austin, TX. Style: Richardsonian Romanesque. Architect: J.N. Preston. On National Register. |
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Upper story details of Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. | Driskill Hotel carving of dragon. Austin, TX. | Driskill Hotel carving of cows head. Austin, TX. | Driskill Hotel (1886) (604 Brazos St.). Austin, TX. Style: Romanesque Revival. Architect: Jasper N. Preston & Son. On National Register. |
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Facade details of Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. | Facade of Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. | Lobby of Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. | Stained glass skylight of Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. |
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Sixshooter converted to a bar lamp at Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. | Lobby & sculpture of Driskill Hotel. Austin, TX. | Antique panel truck. Austin, TX. | Streetscape along East 6th Street. Austin, TX. |
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J.W. Hanning Building (1876) (200 East 6th St.). Austin, TX. Style: Renaissance revival. Architect: J.N. Preston. | Red brick 206 East 6th St. with six point star. Austin, TX. | Hanning & red brick buildings at 200 & 206 East 6th St. Austin, TX. | Red brick 222 East 6th St. with horse-drawn carriage. Austin, TX. Style: Italianate. |
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Major George W. Littlefield building (1910) (106 East 6th St.). Austin, TX. Style: Beaux-Arts. Architect: C.H. Page, Jr.. | James H. Robertson building (416 Congress Ave.). Austin, TX. | Koppel building (1888) (318-20 Congress Ave.). Austin, TX. Architect: Burt McDonald. | McKean-Eilers building (1897) (317 Congress Ave.). Austin, TX. Style: Romanesque Revival. Architect: James Riely Gordon & Burt McDonald. |
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Old post office & federal building (1878-81) (601 Colorado St.) now O'Henry Hall where writer was found guilty of embezzlement plus Norwood Tower (1929) (15 floors). Austin, TX. Style: Renaissance Revival. On National Register. | Old post office & federal building plus Norwood Tower & One American Center. Austin, TX. |