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American Queen Riverboat at Mud Island with Interstate 40 bridge. Memphis, TN. | Riverboats on Mississippi River with Interstate 55 bridge. Memphis, TN. | Interstate 55 bridge crosses Mississippi River. Memphis, TN. | Antique River Loop Trolley acquired from Rio De Janeiro. Memphis, TN. |
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Antique Main Street Trolley. Memphis, TN. | Peabody Place. Memphis, TN. | Fanciful jazz musician figures in window of Memphis Music store on Beale Street. Memphis, TN. | Elvis Presley's Memphis Club on Beale Street, center of nightlife. Memphis, TN. |
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Gates of National Ornamental Metal Museum. Memphis, TN. | Detail of gate at National Ornamental Metal Museum. Memphis, TN. | Lorraine Motel where Martin Luther King was shot in Memphis is now National Civil Rights Museum. Memphis, TN. | Wreath on Lorraine Motel marks site of assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King. Memphis, TN. |