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College hill with Robinson Hall & Carrie Tower of Brown University. Providence, RI. | Brown University Carrie Tower (1904). Providence, RI. Architect: Guy Lowell. | Brown University Van Wickle Gates (1901). Providence, RI. | Brown University's Robinson Hall (64 Waterman St.) (1878) was the New Library when opened. Providence, RI. |
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Eagle gargoyle on Robinson Hall. Providence, RI. | Robinson Hall octagonal tower. Providence, RI. | Brown Manning Hall (1834) in front of University Hall (1770). Providence, RI. Architect: Russell Warren. | John Carter Brown Library (1901). Providence, RI. Architect: Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge. |
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Wilson Hall (1891) originally built as a physics building of Brown University. Providence, RI. Style: Romanesque. Architect: Gould & Angell. | Sayles Hall (1881) of Brown University. Providence, RI. Style: Romanesque. Architect: Alpheus C. Morse. | Lyman Hall (1890) of Brown University was originally a gymnasium & is now used for performing arts. Providence, RI. Style: Romanesque. | Lyman Hall archway & tower. Providence, RI. |
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John Hay Library (1910). Providence, RI. Style: English Renaissance. Architect: Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge. | John Hay Library facade. Providence, RI. | Brown University's List Art Building (1969-1971) (64 College St.). Providence, RI. Architect: Philip Johnson. | List Art Building projecting sections. Providence, RI. |
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List Art Building slender support columns & louvers. Providence, RI. | Soldiers Memorial Arch (1921) dedicated to Brown University alums killed in World War I. Providence, RI. | Modern Sculpture on Brown University campus in front of Barus Hall. Providence, RI. | Marston Hall (1926) modern languages building (20 Manning Walk) of limestone. Providence, RI. Architect: Welles Bosworth. |
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Thomas J. Watson, Sr. Center for Information Technology (1988) (5 floors) at Brown University. Providence, RI. Architect: Cambridge Seven Assoc.. | Third World Center building in former mansion. Providence, RI. Style: Stick. | 72 Waterman St. Providence, RI. | 70 Waterman St. (1859) now Center for Old World Archaeology & Art at Brown University. Providence, RI. |
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70 Waterman St. on Brown University campus. Providence, RI. | Prospect House (36 Prospect St.)or former Admiral Inn now Political Science Dept. at Brown University. Providence, RI. | Thomas Whitaker House (1821-4) (67 George St.). Providence, RI. Style: Federal. Architect: John Holden Greene. | Charles Lipitt House (1845-52) (5-7 Charlesfield St.). Providence, RI. |
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William R. Watson House (c1865) (13 Charlesfield St.). Providence, RI. | Nightingale-Brown House (1792) (357 Benefit St.) built for Captain Joseph Nightingale. Providence, RI. Style: Federal. Architect: Caleb Ormsbee. On National Register. | Nightingale-Brown House is the largest wooden Federal-style building in USA. Providence, RI. | Daniel Smith House (c1750) (362 Benefit St.). Providence, RI. |
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William Ashton House (1790-95) (368 Benefit St.). Providence, RI. | Thomas Peckham House (before 1824) (395 Benefit St.). Providence, RI. |