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Sentry box on Castillo San Felipe del Morro (Unesco Heritage Site). San Juan, PR. | Lighthouse (1908) on Morro Fortress. San Juan, PR. | Castillo San Felipe del Morro (Morro Fortress) (1540-1786) entrance. San Juan, PR. | Morro Fortress lion crest over entrance. San Juan, PR. |
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Morro Fortress neoclassical portal. San Juan, PR. | Lighthouse (1908) on Morro Fortress built by US military. San Juan, PR. | Narrow entrance channel of San Juan harbor seen from Morro Fortress. San Juan, PR. | Old San Juan town, harbor & Morro Fortress from air. San Juan, PR. |
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San Juan harbor channel & Morro Fortress batteries. San Juan, PR. | Morro Fortress firing steps run by US National Park Service. San Juan, PR. | Morro Fortress canon emplacements used through WW II. San Juan, PR. | Morro Fortress canon. San Juan, PR. |
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Royal Tern flies off Morro Fortress. San Juan, PR. | Lighthouse on Morro Fortress shines at dusk. San Juan, PR. | San Juan harbor channel at dusk. San Juan, PR. | San Juan harbor channel at sunset. San Juan, PR. |
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San Juan harbor at sunset. San Juan, PR. | Barge in San Juan harbor channel at sunset. San Juan, PR. | Tanker sails out of San Juan harbor past city walls linear park & walkway. San Juan, PR. | San Juan city walls (La Muralla) begun in 1539 & promenade run by NPS. San Juan, PR. |
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Sentry box on San Juan city walls which were built over 150 years. San Juan, PR. | Sentry box towers over people strolling along San Juan city walls. San Juan, PR. | San Juan city walls dwarf Casa Rosa (1812). San Juan, PR. | San Juan Gate (1639), once main entrance to city from harbor. San Juan, PR. |
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Morro Fortress. San Juan, PR. | Open fields leave invaders vulnerable outside Morro Fortress. San Juan, PR. | Fields around Morro Fortress used by kite flyers. San Juan, PR. | San Juan cemetery below Morro Fortress. San Juan, PR. |
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Rotunda centerpiece of San Juan cemetery. San Juan, PR. | Crypts at edge of sea in San Juan cemetery. San Juan, PR. | Rotunda centerpiece of San Juan cemetery at dusk. San Juan, PR. | Colored buildings of Old San Juan opposite Morro fortress. San Juan, PR. |