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Grace United Methodist Church & St. Patrick's Cathedral. Harrisburg, PA. | Grace United Methodist Church (1874) served as the state legislature building after fire burned the first capitol building in 1897. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Gothic Revival. | Spire details of Grace United Methodist (Episcopal) Church. Harrisburg, PA. | Spire of Grace United Methodist Church. Harrisburg, PA. |
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View up State Street with State Capitol & Grace Methodist Church. Harrisburg, PA. | St Patrick's Cathedral (1907) with green dome. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Classical Italian. | Facade of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Harrisburg, PA. | Dome of St. Patrick's Cathedral. Harrisburg, PA. |
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Italianate corner tower of 500 State Street. Harrisburg, PA. | 229 & 227 State Street front doors. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Federal. | Victorian building 112 State Street. Harrisburg, PA. | 610 N Third Street. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Queen Anne. |
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State Street vista. Harrisburg, PA. | North Street heritage buildings. Harrisburg, PA. | 700-702 N Third Street opposite State Museum. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Second Empire. | Payne Shoemaker Building octagonal tower. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Art Deco. |
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Pine Street Presbyterian Church. Harrisburg, PA. | Pine Street Presbyterian Church. Harrisburg, PA. | Bridges over Susquehanna River. Harrisburg, PA. | Mansion of J. Donald Cameron, railroad president, U.S. Senator & War Secretary under U.S. Grant. Harrisburg, PA. |
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J. Donald Cameron Mansion (1863) (Front at State Sts.). Harrisburg, PA. Style: Second Empire. | William Maclay Mansion (1908) (Front St.) includes a 1792 house of Pennsylvania's first Senator. Harrisburg, PA. Style: Georgian Revival. Architect: Miller Kast. | Georgian Revival William Maclay Mansion seat of Pennsylvania Bar Assoc. Harrisburg, PA. | Heritage buildings on Front Street facing Susquehanna River. Harrisburg, PA. |
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Cow painted with fireworks. Harrisburg, PA. | Major Marcus Reno & former governors' house (1841-5) (223 N Front St.). Reno was the highest ranking officer to survive "Custer's Last Stand" at Little Big Horn. Harrisburg, PA. | Harrisburg Public Library (1914). Harrisburg, PA. Style: Georgian Revival. | Elevated entrance of Harrisburg Public (now Dauphin County) Library. Harrisburg, PA. |
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Hilton Harrisburg & Towers (1990) (15 floors). Harrisburg, PA. Architect: Perkins & Will. | Market Square Presbyterian Church. Harrisburg, PA. | Heritage buildings of Market Street including white Kunkel Building. Harrisburg, PA. | Kunkel Building (1914) (8 floors) once a bank, now an arts museum. Harrisburg, PA. On National Register. |
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Upper floors of Kunkel Building, faced with white glazed terra cotta. Harrisburg, PA. | Rachel Carson Building (1990) (17 floors) Pennsylvania Departments of Environmental Protection + Conservation & Natural Resources. Harrisburg, PA. Architect: Geddes Brecher Qualls & Cunningham, Hayes Large Architects. | Art Deco relief of Steam Shovel on North Office Building of State Government complex. Harrisburg, PA. | Art Deco relief of workers laying brick on North Office Building of State Government complex. Harrisburg, PA. |
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Art Deco relief of coal-mining drag line machine on North Office Building of State Government complex. Harrisburg, PA. | Art Deco relief of Beaver on North Office Building of State Government complex. Harrisburg, PA. | National Civil War Museum building (2000). Harrisburg, PA. Architect: Hayes Large Architects. | Statue of soldier tending the wounded at National Civil War Museum. Harrisburg, PA. |
Entrance atrium of National Civil War Museum. Harrisburg, PA. |