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Thomas Kay Woolen Mill & Mission Mill Museum seen from Oregon State Capitol dome. Salem, OR. | Thomas Kay Woolen Mill, now entrance to Mission Mill Museum (260 12th St. SE). Salem, OR. | Dye house of Thomas Kay Woolen Mill at Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. | Thomas Kay Woolen Mill (1898) at Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. Architect: Walter D. Pugh. On National Register. |
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Mill race of Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Mill race of Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Dye house straddles mill race beside Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Machines arrayed for steps of wool blanket production in Thomas Kay Woolen Mill museum. Salem, OR. |
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Carding machine at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Carding machine maker's plate of Davis & Furber Machine Co., North Andover, Mass at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Crompton & Knowles Loom Works fabric loom at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Crompton & Knowles Loom Works fabric loom mechanism details at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. |
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Machine to spin threads from spools of wool roving onto spindles at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Roving thread spinning machine maker's plate of Johnson & Bassett, Worcester, Mass at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Spindles of wool roving thread spinning machine at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Thomas Kay Woolen Mill time clock. Salem, OR. |
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Rotary Steam Press (1920) by Curtis Marble at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Fulling Machine (1875) by James Hunter to shrink wool at Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Teasels growing outside Thomas Kay Woolen Mill. Salem, OR. | Flower in gardens of Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. |
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Jason Lee House (1841) (oldest frame house in Pacific Northwest) at Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. On National Register. | Verandah of Jason Lee House at Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. | Methodist Parsonage (1841) at Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. On National Register. | John D. Boon House (1847) at Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. On National Register. |
Pleasant Grove Presbyterian Church (1858) moved from Aumsville to Mission Mill Museum. Salem, OR. On National Register. |