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Fort Clatsop where Lewis & Clark party spent winter of 1805 rebuilt by National Park Service. Astoria, OR. On National Register. | Wooden chimney at Fort Clatsop NHS replica. Astoria, OR. | Fort Clatsop log cabins of Lewis & Clark exploration party at furthest westward point near mouth of Columbia River. Astoria, OR. | Log buildings of Fort Clatsop defense compound. Astoria, OR. |
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Bunk bed & fire pit in interior of Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. | Bunk beds in interior of Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. | Log table in Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. | Storage area with barrels & chests in Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. |
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Lewis & Clark beds in Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. | Officers table & utensils in Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. | Boxes stored on shelf in Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. | Traditional dress & papoose carrier as worn by Sacagawea at Fort Clatsop. Astoria, OR. |
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Painting of Lewis & Clark meeting Clatsop First Peoples at Fort Clatsop National Parks Museum. Astoria, OR. | Meriwether Lewis, William Clark & Clatsop Indian sculpture (1980) by Stanley Wanlass at Fort Clatsop museum. Astoria, OR. | Detail of Meriwether Lewis, William Clark & Clatsop Indian sculpture (1980) by Stanley Wanlass at Fort Clatsop museum. Astoria, OR. | Woven Clatsop rain hat at Fort Clatsop museum. Astoria, OR. |
Woven Clatsop flat baskets at Fort Clatsop museum. Astoria, OR. |