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Oklahoma History Center (2006) (2401 N. Laird Ave.). Oklahoma City, OK. Architect: Beck Assoc. Architects + Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum. | Entrance facade of Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Glass tower of Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Sculpture group of Native Americans at entrance of Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Sculpture group of Native Americans at entrance of Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Monument to Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC) which provided jobs during the Great Depression outside Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Antique oil derrick on display at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Antique oil well derricks & equipment at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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View from atrium of Oklahoma History Center to Oklahoma State Capitol. Oklahoma City, OK. | Lockheed Vega 5-C "Winnie Mae" in which aviator Wiley Post set around the world speed record in 1931 & first global solo flight in 1933 at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Lockheed Vega "Winnie Mae" in atrium of Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Nez Perce woman's basket hat (1878) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Seneca snapping turtle rattle (pre 1900) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Apache saddle bag at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Kiowa beaded Moccasins (c1880) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Kiowa & Arapaho beaded Moccasins (c1890) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Cheyenne beaded Moccasins (c1890) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Apache beaded cradle board (c1900) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Kiowa cover on Apache cradle board (c1890) plus toy Apache cradleboard at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Cheyenne doll (c1890) & Cheyenne dress (c1915) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Jefferson Peace Medal (1801) as used on Lewis & Clark Expedition at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Civil War drum (c1863) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Confederate wooden canteen (c1862-5) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Chuck wagon as used on cattle trail drives at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Concord stagecoach at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Porcelain mantle clock (c1892) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Silver service for battleship USS Oklahoma (c1913-40) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Collection of antique ladies hats at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
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Case C model tractor (c1930s) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Dodge Panel Truck (1936) used by radio repair business at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | WKY color TV camera (1954) at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. | Self-service tube tester (c1950-60s) allowed TV owners to replace tubes at corner grocery stores at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |
Camera collection at Oklahoma History Center. Oklahoma City, OK. |