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United States Custom House (1899-1907) (on Bowling Green) now Alexander Hamilton Custom House & National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. Style: Beaux Art. Architect: Cass Gilbert. On National Register.  | Haida ceremonial outfit (late 19thC) with raven rattle at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Haida paddle (c1880) & dance apron (c1890) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Haida raven rattle (c1875) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Haida house post in form of wolf (1870-80) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Tlingit array of dance & feast regalia (1890-1910) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Chilikat tunic with family crests (c1875) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Northwest coast native crest hat in raven form (1860-80) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Northwest coast native crest hat in frog form (1850-80) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Teikweidi brown bear clan hat (c1860) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Northwest coast native woman's hair ornament in form of bird (c1900) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Northwest coast native brown bear bowl (1840-80) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Northwest coast native large spoons (late 19thC) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Nisga'a mask (c1850) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Nisga'a shaman's waist robe (c1870) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Nisga'a frog dish (c1880) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Gitxsan old man mask (1880-1910) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Gitxsan eagle headdress (1870-1910) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Gitxsan amulet in form of killer whale (1840-60) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Gitxsan soul catcher with jaws at both ends at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Gitxsan ceremonial headdress in form of beaver (c1860) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Gitxsan ceremonial headdress in form of black bear (c1870-1900) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Nuxalk face headdress (c1860) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Nuxalk thunder figure mask (c1880) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Heiltsuk chief's settee (c1908) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Heiltsuk frontlet with mask (c1880) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Kwakwaka'wakw potlatch figure (c1930) & welcome figure (19thC) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Kwakwaka'wakw mask of two sea lions around ancestor face (1880-1920) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |
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Makah basket & cover with birds & whales (c1900) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Central California native gambling basket tray & dice (c1900) at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Sioux possible bag (1870) probably from North Dakota at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. | Cree-Metis bag (c1850) from Manitoba at National Museum of American Indian. New York, NY. |