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Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS (replicated to 1865 in 1921) (28 East 20th St.). New York, NY. Architect: Theodate Pope Riddle. | Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace NHS facade where 26th American President was born on Oct. 27, 1858. New York, NY. | Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace National Historic Site run by National Park Service. New York, NY. | Back parlor in Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Teddy's childhood chair in back parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Drop front desk in back parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Lamp where glass thickness creates images in back parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Lamp where glass thickness creates images in back parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Front parlor in Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Sofa in front parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Wallpaper in front parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Sideboard in front parlor of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Print of George Washington's inaugural ball at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Imported glass by which Teddy's father made the family fortune at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Dining room in Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt parent's plate in dining room of Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Receptacle which Roosevelt family picked up on tour of Egypt & used for calling cards at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Portrait (early 1800s) of Quaker Paternal Grandmother of Theodore Roosevelt at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Portrait of Martha (Mittie) Bulloch Roosevelt (July 8, 1835 - Feb. 14, 1884) mother of Theodore Roosevelt at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Gilded sconce at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Drop-front desk of rosewood & satinwood in bedroom at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Dresser made of rosewood & satinwood in bedroom at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Headboard made of rosewood & satinwood in bedroom at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt family coat of arms at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Martha Bulloch Roosevelt's (Teddy's Mother's) fan at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Autographed photo of Abraham Lincoln presented to Teddy's father at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Graphic of Roosevelt with Governor Cleveland signing reform bill by Thomas Nast at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt's first book (1882), The Naval War of 1812, at Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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The Winning of the West book (1904) by Theodore Roosevelt at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt's Rough Rider uniform from Spanish American War at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt campaign button for Governor race at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt campaign buttons at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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"Give them Hell Boys" campaign buttons with caricature of Theodore Roosevelt at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Campaign poster of Theodore Roosevelt for Governor & Timothy Woodruff for Lieut. Gov. at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Campaign poster of Theodore Roosevelt for Governor at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Theodore Roosevelt photo button at his Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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William McKinley & Roosevelt Presidential campaign plus Sound Money & Gold Basis buttons at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | McKinley & Roosevelt Presidential campaign policy "Plain Facts about Free Silver" at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | McKinley & Roosevelt Presidential campaign button at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | McKinley & Roosevelt Presidential campaign ribbon at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Theodore Roosevelt inauguration badge (Mar. 4, 05) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Teddy Bear campaign buttons at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | New broom sweeps clean buttons at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Color graphic of USS Maine at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Alton B. Parker (Roosevelt's presidential opponent's) button at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Teddy Republican Club badge for Fort Wayne, IN at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Theodore Roosevelt's Nobel Peace Prize medal (1906) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Theodore Roosevelt's Nobel Peace Prize certificate (1906) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Cover drawing for booklet for dinner to welcome home Theodore Roosevelt from hunting in Africa (1910) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Medals to welcome home Theodore Roosevelt from hunting in Africa (1910) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Buttons for three presidential candidates in 1912 election: Roosevelt, Wilson, Taft at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Speech given by Theodore Roosevelt before National Progressive Party in Chicago (Aug. 1912) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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National Progressive (Bullmoose) Party buttons (1912) when Theodore Roosevelt split votes letting Woodrow Wilson win at Roosevelt's Birthplace. New York, NY. | T.R. Hat in the Ring Bullmoose Party buttons (1912) at Roosevelt's Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt's glass case with bullet hole which with speech notes slowed assassin's bullet (Oct. 14, 1912) at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Roosevelt's folded speech with bullet hole which with glass cases slowed assassin's attempt (Oct. 14, 1912) at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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National Progressive (Bullmoose) Party delegate ribbons (1912) at Roosevelt's Birthplace. New York, NY. | Presidential campaign buttons from 1912 election at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Theodore Roosevelt mourning buttons (1919) at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Ceramic mug with face of Theodore Roosevelt at his Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Theodore Roosevelt Toby jug at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Teddy Roosevelt Bear pitcher at his Birthplace. New York, NY. | Porcelain cup with Roosevelt family crest from his parents at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Vegetable dish used by Teddy & Edith Roosevelt at their Virginia house Pine Knot at his Birthplace. New York, NY. |
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Large coffee cup used by TR when he dined in New York at Langdon Hotel at Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace. New York, NY. | Theodore Roosevelt equestrian statue at American Museum of Natural History. New York, NY. |