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Lindenwald (1797 expanded 1849-50) home of President Martin Van Buren. Kinderhook, NY. Style: Georgian & Italianate & Gothic Revival. Architect: Richard M. Upjohn. | President Martin Van Buren Lindenwald home run by National Parks Service. Kinderhook, NY. | Porch of Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Finials on porch of Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Gothic revival Victorian porch of Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Italianate tower sticks above Georgian windows at Van Buren's house Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Tower at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Side view of Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Rounded double door with surrounding lights at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Interior of front dutch door with corner braces at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Central hall used as dining room where Martin Van Buren met political guests at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Wallpaper & lamp with folding card table (1830-40) in corner of dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Sideboards & wallpaper of dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Federal & Empire style sideboards with period wallpaper in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Federal style sideboard (1790-1800) in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Green glass punchbowl & cups (1830-60) in corner of dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Empire style sideboard (1815-25) in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Restored original French wallpaper (1830-40) "Paysages à Chasse" scenic hunting scenes by Zuber Cie. over fake balustrade wallpaper by Jacquemart et Bernard with some infill reproduction sections in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Detail of hounds chasing cerf beside arched bridge on "Paysages à Chasse" wallpaper (1830-40) by Zuber Cie. of France in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Detail of mounted hunters giving chase on "Paysages à Chasse" wallpaper (1830-40) by Zuber Cie. of France in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Detail of hunters stopping for wine & meal on "Paysages à Chasse" wallpaper (1830-40) by Zuber Cie. of France in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Detail of hay harvesting in countryside on "Paysages à Chasse" wallpaper (1830-40) by Zuber Cie. of France in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Upholstered sofa-bed in late classical style (1830-40) in dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Scrolled archway bracket at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Four poster bed in downstairs bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Folding card table (1830-40) & lap desk with late classical style wardrobe (1830-40) beyond at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Downstairs bedroom fireplace with "Vue d'Ecosse" wallpaper-covered fireboard (c1840) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Chest of drawers with marble top (1830-40) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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View from dining hall into sitting room through neoclassical doorway at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Pedestal center table (1835-45) with side chairs (1825-40) against sitting room fireplace at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Pedestal center table (1835-45) with brass sinumbra lamp with glass shade & prisms (1835-45) in front of sitting room fireplace with wallpaper-covered fireboard (c1840) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Upholstered sofa (1820-40) in sitting room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Secretary-bookcase in late classical style (1835-45) in sitting room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Sewing or work table on casters in sitting room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Melodeon reed organ with foot-pedal pumps in sitting room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Neoclassical doorway leading from drawing room to dining room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Drawing room gray marble fireplace mantles with two Argand lamps, wallpaper-covered fireboard (c1840) under portrait of Martin Van Buren at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Martin Van Buren portrait at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Detail of Martin Van Buren portrait at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Hunting scene wallpaper-covered fireboard (c1840) in drawing room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Hallett and Cumston piano of Boston & stool in drawing room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Keyboard of Hallett and Cumston piano of Boston at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Ogee arch looking from drawing room to breakfast room doorway at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Neoclassical column & wallpaper detail at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Neoclassical pediment of breakfast room doorway at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Breakfast room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Drop-leaf breakfast table in late classical style (1830-60) & Grecian-style side chairs (1830-40) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Glass compote with star pattern (c1840) & Van Buren initialed VB plates on breakfast room table at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Van Buren initialed VB plate at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Painted tinned-iron plate warmer (1840-50) to sit before hearth at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Sideboard (c1830-40) in breakfast room at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Coffeemaker on stand (mid-19thC) prob. French wherein white porcelain chambers with gold bands contains water & coffee over oil lamp heat forcing coffee through tube into glass carafe at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Van Buren portrait & polychrome delft jar with lid (c1850) on mantel shelf at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Servants' dining room with Federal era round table & chairs at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Davenport Amoy Flow Blue Ironstone China on Servants' dining table at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Davenport Amoy Flow Blue Ironstone China creamer & covered sugar bowl (c1845) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Davenport Amoy Flow Blue Ironstone China plates (c1845) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Bronze, brass & glass whale oil lamps & candlesticks at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Kitchen work table at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Porcelain fish platter with VB (Van Buren) initials at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Kitchen work table & shelving at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Kitchen shelving with glass canning jars, molds, round bladed chopping knives & other utensils at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Stoneware crocks & round bladed chopping knife at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Kitchen shelving with glass canning jars, stoneware crocks & other vessels at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Stoneware crock painted with blue flow peacock by F.B. Norton Sons of Worcester, Mass at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Drinking glasses & pitcher (c1840s) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | White ironstone pitcher & ceramic bowl in kitchen at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Original cast iron cook stove & ovens in Gothic style (c1850) by Moses Pond Union Range of Boston at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Moses Pond Union Range of Boston trademark on cast iron cook Gothic oven at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Cast iron cook stove with cast iron skillet & kettle at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Hand-operated water pump in kitchen at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Hand-operated water pump in kitchen at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Wash-room (laundry room) with expanding clothes drying racks at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Expanding clothes drying rack in wash-room (laundry room) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Hand-operated water pump in kitchen at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Marble fireplace in library with mirror & Argand lamps at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Argand lamp on library mantel at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Library table with lamps & chairs & bookshelves (c1840s) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Double Argand lamp on library table at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Library table & card table in library at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Glass-fronted bookcase in library at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Glass-fronted bookcase in library at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Marble bust of Martin Van Buren (1863) by Hiram Powers (after his 1836-40 original) in library at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Mr. Woodbug in a Quandary or the Gun That Kicked Its Owner Over political cartoon (1830-50) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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The Democratic Platform political cartoon (1856) prob. Louis Maurer for Currier & Ives at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Going Down - Going Up political cartoon (1830-50) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Matty Taking his Second Bath in Salt River political cartoon (1844) by H. Bucholzer at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Downstairs bedroom with writing table & sleigh bed at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Writing table with curved braces supporting thin legs at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Sleigh bed with red coverlet at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Rich wood chest with drawer at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Marble fireplace with oil lamps at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Flush toilet (1850s) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Looking up tower staircase at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Northwest corner upstairs guest bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Northeast corner upstairs bedroom used for guests at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Vanity table with mirror & sleigh bed with blue coverlet in upstairs bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Reclining sofa in upstairs bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Original wallpapered fireboard in upstairs bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Upstairs hall with arch leading to bedroom with Palladian window over front door at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Sleigh bed in upstairs bedroom with Palladian window over front door at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Chests of drawers & sleigh bed in Martin Van Buren, Jr's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Chest of drawers with girandole & framed mirror in Martin Van Buren, Jr's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Girandole at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Martin Van Buren's southeast corner bedroom with sleigh bed, mirrored wardrobe & shaving stand at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Large mahogany sleigh bed (c1840) by William Shipman of New York City & mirrored wardrobe in Martin Van Buren's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Mirrored wardrobe with candle holders (1840-50) in Martin Van Buren's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Leather hatbox (mid 19thC) in Martin Van Buren's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Shaving stand (1830-40) in Martin Van Buren's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Pitcher & basin on marble-topped washstand (1830-40) in Martin Van Buren's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Secretary-bookcase, late classical style, (1830-50) & armchair in Martin Van Buren's bedroom at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Silver-headed walking stick bearing M. Van Buren's name on bedspread at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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"M. Van Buren for the Next President" inscription on silver-headed walking stick (c1836) at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | "In Honour of Andrew Jackson" engraving (1835) by Isaac F. Bragg & engraved by Theodore Durand of New York at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Portrait of Martin Van Buren at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Portrait of young Martin Van Buren at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Mantel clock with portrait of Martin Van Buren at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Portrait of Martin Van Buren on mantel clock at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Portrait miniature of Hannah Hoes Van Buren at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Martin Van Buren portrait (c1830) on glass by unknown folk artist at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. |
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Henry Clay portrait (c1830) on glass by unknown folk artist at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Poles for cultivating hops at Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Obelisk on grave of President Martin Van Buren & family members near Lindenwald. Kinderhook, NY. | Martin Van Buren portrait (1864) by George P.A. Healy at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. |
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Relief carving of President Martin Van Buren in New York State Capitol. Albany, NY. | Graphic of President Martin Van Buren by D.W. Kellogg & Co. Gettysburg, PA. | 8: Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) lived (1782-1862). XP. | Martin Van Buren & Democracy campaign medal (1836) at Buffalo History Museum (BECHS). Buffalo, NY. |
Martin Van Buren (1837-1841) medal (at Hayes Presidential Center). Fremont, OH. |