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Columbia University campus overview. New York, NY. | Memorial plaque to Charles Follen McKim, Architect of original core of Columbia University. New York, NY. | Low Memorial Library (1897) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Style: Beaux Arts. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. On National Register. | Low Memorial Library & Alma Mater sculpture at Columbia University. New York, NY. |
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Alma Mater sculpture (1903) by Daniel Chester French at Columbia University in front of Low Library. New York, NY. | Butler Library (1934) at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Knowledge vanquishing evil mural inside Butler Library at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Alfred Lerner Hall (Columbia's student center) (1999) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: Bernard Tschumi + Gruzen Samton Architects. |
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Columbia University campus scene. New York, NY. | Campus landscape beside Butler Library at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Buell & Philosophy Halls at Columbia University. New York, NY. | St Paul's Chapel (1907) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Style: Northern Italian Renaissance. Architect: I.N. Phelps Stokes of Howells & Stokes. |
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Facade of St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Lamp before St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Brickwork at rear of St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Domed interior of St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University. New York, NY. |
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Interior of St. Paul's Chapel with stained glass by John La Farge at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Pulpit of St. Paul's Chapel at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Buell Hall (La Maison Française) remains of 19th C asylum at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Avery Hall (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning & Preservation) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. |
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Schermerhorn Natural Science Hall (1896) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. | Fayerweather Hall (1896) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. | Fayerweather Hall detail at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Uris Hall (Columbia Business School) (1960s) at Columbia University. New York, NY. |
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Havemeyer Hall (Chemistry) (1896) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. | Mathematics (former Engineering) Hall (1896) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. | Earl Hall (1902) (religious services) at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Lewisohn Hall at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: Arnold Bruner. |
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Casa Italiana (Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America) (1927) (1151-1161 Amsterdam Ave.) at Columbia University. New York, NY. Architect: William M. Kendall of McKim, Mead & White. | Manhattan School of Music at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Union Theological Seminary (1910) (W. 120th St. & Broadway). New York, NY. Architect: Allen & Collens. On National Register. | Tower of Union Theological Seminary. New York, NY. |
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Horace Mann Elementary School of Teachers College at Columbia University (W. 120th St. & Broadway). New York, NY. | Buildings of Teachers College at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Russel Hall of Teachers College at Columbia University. New York, NY. | Tower of Russel Hall of Teachers College at Columbia University. New York, NY. |