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Washington Memorial Arch (1892) (Washington Square). New York, NY. Architect: Stanford White of McKim, Mead & White. | Washington Arch eagle by Philip Martiny. New York, NY. | Washington Arch detail with angel blowing trumpet. New York, NY. | Washington Arch detail with angel holding victory wreath. New York, NY. |
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Giuseppe Garibaldi (1807-1882) statue (c1888) by Giovanni Turini in Washington Square Park. New York, NY. | People sitting in Washington Square Park. New York, NY. | Arch of Washington Square Park with start of Fifth Ave. New York, NY. | Church of the Ascension (Protestant Episcopal) (1841) (36-38 Fifth Ave.). New York, NY. Style: Gothic Revival. Architect: Richard Mitchell Upjohn. On National Register. |
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View of start of Fifth Ave. from Washington Square. New York, NY. | 1 Fifth Ave. (1926) was hotel, now a co-op on Washington Square. New York, NY. Style: Art Deco. Architect: Helmle, Corbett & Harrison + Sugarman & Berger. | Art Deco crown details of 1 Fifth Ave. New York, NY. | Art Deco details of 1 Fifth Ave. New York, NY. |
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Richmond Hill Townhouses along Washington Square North called "The Row". New York, NY. | 25 Washington Square North unit of Richmond Hill Townhouses. New York, NY. | 23 Washington Square North of Richmond Hill Townhouses. New York, NY. | 25-23 Washington Square North of Richmond Hill Townhouses. New York, NY. |
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23-22 Washington Square North of Richmond Hill Townhouses. New York, NY. | 21 Washington Square North of Richmond Hill Townhouses. New York, NY. | 20 Washington Square North (1829) of Richmond Hill Townhouses. New York, NY. | Row of uniform heritage townhouse now used by NYU on northeast edge of Washington Square. New York, NY. |
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12 & 11 Washington Square North heritage townhouses now used by NYU with elaborate iron fences. New York, NY. | 8, 7 & 6 Washington Square North now used by NYU. New York, NY. | Low-rise building on northeast corner of Washington Square fronted by Waverly & University Place. New York, NY. | Silver Center for Arts & Science (100 Washington Square East) main building of NYU. New York, NY. |
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Streetscape of Washington Place with NYU buildings. New York, NY. | Narrow low-rise building off Washington Square. New York, NY. | NYU Building at West 4th & Weaver St. New York, NY. | NYU Building at West 4th & Weaver St. New York, NY. |
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8 & 10 Washington Place of NYU campus. New York, NY. | Carter Hall of Journalism at NYU (10 Washington Place). New York, NY. | NYU's Gould Welcome Center (50 W. 4th St.). New York, NY. | Streetscape along Washington Square South with NYU Library, Kimmel Center, & Judson Church. New York, NY. |
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Sculpture beside NYU's Bobst Library. New York, NY. | NYU's Bobst Library in red sandstone. New York, NY. | Bobst Library, NYU's main library (1972) (70 Washington Square South). New York, NY. Architect: Philip Johnson & Richard Foster. | Jack Skirball Center for Performing Arts in Kimmel Center for University Life (2001). New York, NY. |
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Kimmel Center for Student Life, NYU (2001) (11 floors) (61 Washington Square South). New York, NY. Architect: Kevin Roche John Dinkeloo & Assoc.. | Kimmel Center for Student Life, NYU windows over Washington Square. New York, NY. | Holy Trinity Chapel (1964) or Catholic Center at NYU (58 Washington Square). New York, NY. Architect: Eggers & Higgins. | Judson Memorial Baptist Church (1888-96) (54-7 Washington Square). New York, NY. Style: Romanesque Revival. Architect: Stanford White of McKim, Mead & White. On National Register. |
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Facade & memorial tower of Judson Church. New York, NY. | Campanile of Judson Church. New York, NY. | Entrance of Judson Church. New York, NY. | Judson Hall (now NYU's King Juan Carlos of Spain Center) (53 Washington Square) & Heyman Hall (51 Washington Square). New York, NY. |
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NYU's Hagop Kevorkian Center for Near Eastern Studies (1972) (50 Washington Square). New York, NY. Architect: Philip Johnson & Richard Foster. | Washington View (39 1/2 Washington Square). New York, NY. | Apartment building (1928) (37 Washington Square West). New York, NY. | Terra cotta & tile decoration of Apartment building at 37 Washington Square West. New York, NY. |
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Apartment building with Gothic features (29 Washington Square West) where Eleanor Roosevelt once lived. New York, NY. | Townhouses along Waverly Place off Washington Square including #108 with crenellations dating back to 1826. New York, NY. | Jugenstihl type row house at 114 Waverly Place off Washington Square. New York, NY. | Hebrew Union College (1979) on West 4th St. near NYU. New York, NY. |
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Warren Weaver Hall at NYU. New York, NY. | Warren Weaver Hall at NYU. New York, NY. | Warren Weaver Hall at NYU (1966) (14 floors) (251 Mercer St. at 3rd St.). New York, NY. Architect: Warner, Burns, Toan & Lunde. | Bobst Library & Warren Weaver Hall at NYU. New York, NY. |
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West Fourth Streetscape with Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences at NYU (251 Mercer St.). New York, NY. | Heritage commercial building at 250 Mercer St. New York, NY. | Tisch Hall at NYU (1972) (40 West Fourth St.). New York, NY. Architect: Philip Johnson Richard Foster. | Stern School of Business at NYU (44 West Fourth St.). New York, NY. |
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Stern School of Business of Kaufman Management Center at NYU (44 West Fourth St.). New York, NY. | Student Services Center at NYU (25 West Fourth St.). New York, NY. | Student Services Center at NYU (25 West Fourth St.). New York, NY. | Frederick Loewe Theatre & Musical Theatre Hall of Fame at NYU. New York, NY. |
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NYU Student Residence (561 La Guardia Place). New York, NY. | Silver Towers (100 & 110 Bleecker St.) over Coles Sports & Recreation Center (181 Mercer St.). New York, NY. | University Towers Apartments (Silver Towers) (1965) (30 floors) (100 & 110 Bleecker St.). NY. Architect: I.M. Pei & Partners. | Puck Building (1886 & 93) (295-309 Lafayette St.). New York, NY. Style: Romanesque Revival. Architect: Albert Wagner & Herman Wagner. On National Register. |
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Facade of Puck Building of NYU. New York, NY. | Puck statue (1885) by Henry Baerer on Puck Building (295 Lafayette St. at Houston). New York, NY. | Entrance facade of Puck Building of NYU. New York, NY. |