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George Washington equestrian statue (1856) by Henry Kirke Brown & pedestal by Richard Upjohn in Union Square. New York, NY. | George Washington equestrian statue in Union Square. New York, NY. | Union Square plaque commemorates the first Labor Day on September 5, 1882. New York, NY. | Independence Flagpole base (1926) by Anthony de Francisci in Union Square. New York, NY. |
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Marquis de Lafayette statue (1873) by Frederic-Auguste Bartholdi in Union Square. New York, NY. | Abraham Lincoln statue (1869) by Henry Kirke Brown in Union Square. New York, NY. | Mohandas Gandhi sculpture (1986) by Kantilal B. Patel in Union Square. New York, NY. | Flower market on Union Square. New York, NY. |
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Flower market on Union Square. New York, NY. | Flower market on Union Square. New York, NY. | Union Square domed subway entrance. New York, NY. | Union Square subway entrance. New York, NY. |
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Domed subway entrance in front of Lincoln (1889) & Spingler (1890s) Buildings on Union Square. New York, NY. | Lincoln Building (1890) (1-3 Union Square West). New York, NY. Style: Romanesque. Architect: Robert Henderson Robertson. On National Register. | Stylized lion gargoyle on Lincoln Building on Union Square. New York, NY. | Spingler Building (1890) decoration detail (5-9 Union Square West). New York, NY. |
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17-19 Union Square West (1913) (12 floors) over art market. New York, NY. Architect: Charles Volz. | Roofline decorations of 17-19 Union Square West. New York, NY. | 17-19 Union Square West & Carlyle Court Residence Hall of NYU (1987) (14 floors) on Union Square. New York, NY. | Bank of the Metropolis (1903) (31 Union Square West) (16 floors). New York, NY. Style: Beaux Arts. Architect: Bruce Price. On National Register. |
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Lions along roofline of Bank of the Metropolis on Union Square. New York, NY. | Narrow edge roofline of Bank of the Metropolis on Union Square. New York, NY. | Entrance architecture of Bank of the Metropolis on Union Square. New York, NY. | Bank of the Metropolis & Decker Buildings on Union Square. New York, NY. |
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Decker Building (now Union Building) (1893) (33 Union Square West). New York, NY. Style: Moorish. Architect: John H. Edelmann. On National Register. | Facade of Decker Building on Union Square. New York, NY. | Precursor of Chicago style Decker Building window (Edelmann was mentor of Louis Sullivan) on Union Square. New York, NY. | Skyline on Union Square. New York, NY. |
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Heritage buildings looking along 16th St. from Union Square. New York, NY. | Northern side of Union Square. New York, NY. | Barnes & Noble Bookstore (former Century Building) (1881) (33 East 17th St. on Union Square). New York, NY. Style: Queen Anne Chateau. Architect: William Schickel. | Everett Building (1908) (200 Park Ave. S.) (16 floors). New York, NY. Style: Chicago Style. Architect: Goldwin Starrett & Van Vleck. |
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W Union Square plus view up Park Ave. New York, NY. | W Union Square (originally named Germania Life Insurance) (1911) (21 floors) at NE corner of Union Square. New York, NY. Architect: D'Oench & Yost, Brennan Beer Gorman / Architects. | New York Film Academy, W Union Square plus other buildings viewed up Park Ave. New York, NY. | New Tammany Hall (1929), once New York Democratic HQ (now New York Film Academy) on Union Square. New York, NY. Style: Neoclassical. Architect: Thompson, Holmes, Converse, Charles B. Meyers. |
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New York Film Academy (former New Tammany Hall) facade. New York, NY. | Union Square Savings Bank (now a theater) (1907) (20 Union Square East) by architect who designed Lincoln Memorial in Washington. New York, NY. Style: Classical. Architect: Henry Bacon. | Cornelius Roosevelt Building (1894) (841 Broadway off Union Sq.). New York, NY. Style: Victorian Romanesque. | Round pillar corner of Roosevelt Building. New York, NY. |
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Brick, stone & terra cotta details of Roosevelt Building. New York, NY. | Cornelius Roosevelt Building terra cotta entrance frieze details. New York, NY. | 8 Union Square South (2007) (15 floors). New York, NY. Architect: Arpad Baksa Architect. | Mercantile Building (1910) (33 Irving Place) (12 floors). New York, NY. Architect: Starrett & Van Vleck. |
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Pete's Tavern (est. 1864) patronized by O. Henry when he wrote Gift of the Magi (129 E. 18th St.) off Union Square. New York, NY. | Streetscape along Irving Place at 19th St. New York, NY. | 81 Irving Place (1930) (14 floors). New York, NY. Architect: George F. Pelham. | Streetscape up Park Ave. from 21st St. with MetLife Building in distance. New York, NY. |
![Tower of ConEdison [aka Consolidated Gas] Building seen from south. New York, NY.](/t/USNYC/NYE15011.JPG) |
Tower of ConEdison [aka Consolidated Gas] Building seen from south. New York, NY.  |