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Former Constable department store (873 Broadway at 18th St.) in Renaissance & Second Empire styles. New York, NY. | Arnold Constable department store (1869) (887 Broadway at 19th St.) with mansard roof. New York, NY. Style: Second Empire. Architect: Griffith Thomas. | Facade of Arnold Constable department store (887 Broadway). New York, NY. | Gorham Apartments (1884) (889-891 Broadway). New York, NY. Architect: Edward Hale Kendall. On National Register. |
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Lord & Taylor Store Building (1870) (901 Broadway at 20th St.). New York, NY. Style: Second Empire. Architect: James H. Giles. | Second Empire tower of Lord & Taylor Store. New York, NY. | Cast iron facade of Second Empire Lord & Taylor Store. New York, NY. | Warren Building (1887) (903 Broadway at 20th St.). New York, NY. Style: Renaissance Revival. Architect: Stanford White. |
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Upper story facade details of Warren Building (903 Broadway). New York, NY. | Streetscape along 20th St. off Ladies Mile including N.S. Meyer Building (1890s). New York, NY. | Goelet Building (1887) (900 Broadway at 20th St.). New York, NY. Style: Romanesque. Architect: McKim, Mead & White. | Facade of Goelet Building (900 Broadway). New York, NY. |
Sohmer Piano Building (1897) (170 Fifth Ave.) (13 floors). New York, NY. Style: The Beaux-Arts. Architect: Robert Maynicke. |