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St Bartholomew's Church (1919) (109 E. 50th St.). New York, NY. Style: Byzantine. Architect: Bertram Goodhue. On National Register. | Byzantine dome of St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Park Avenue entrance of St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Romanesque arches of St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. |
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Interior of St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Apse of St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Mosaic over alter of St Bartholomew's Church showing St Peter, Elias, Christ, Moses, Jacob. New York, NY. | Pulpit of St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. |
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Byzantine-style carved stone eagle in St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Column capital carving of Noah's ark in St Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Column capital carving of Joseph in Egypt in St Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. | Rose window in St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. |
Modern stained glass window in St. Bartholomew's Church. New York, NY. |