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Trinity Church (1846) (79 Broadway at Wall St.). New York, NY. Style: Gothic Revival. Architect: Richard Upjohn. | Gothic Revival features of Trinity Church over graveyard. New York, NY. | Tombstones & facade features of Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Gothic tower of Trinity Church. New York, NY. |
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Clock on tower of Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Evangelists Saints Luke & John on Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Front of Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Tympanum of Christ & Disciples over doorway of Trinity Church. New York, NY. |
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Stained glass windows of Christ & Evangelists + Peter & Paul in Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Stained glass windows of Christ & Evangelists + Peter & Paul in Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Tombstones at Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Tombstone (1700s) with skull in Trinity Church. New York, NY. |
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Tombstone (1761) with angel in Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Tombstone (1730s) with skull in Trinity Church. New York, NY. | Trinity Court Building (1927) (25 floors) by Henry I. Oser & American Stock Exchange buildings over Trinity Church graveyard. New York, NY. | American Stock Exchange (1921) (86 Trinity Place) (16 floors). New York, NY. Style: Art Deco. Architect: Starrett & Van Vleck. |
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Empire Building (1898) (71 Broadway) (21 floors). New York, NY. Architect: Kimball & Thompson. | Shrine in Trinity Church yard against Trinity office building north of church. New York, NY. | Trinity Building (1907) (111 Broadway). New York, NY. Style: Late Gothic Revival. Architect: Francis Hatch Kimball. On National Register. | Facade of Trinity Building which shares lot with United States Realty Company Building just next door up Broadway. New York, NY. |
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Gothic Revival details of Trinity Building. New York, NY. | Gothic churchyard spire with Trinity & Equitable Buildings. New York, NY. | Looking up Broadway to Trinity Building (1907) (green dome) & Woolworth Building (spire). New York, NY. |