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Millard Fillmore House (c1826) in which the future President did much of the hand labor. East Aurora, NY. On National Register. | Front room of Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. | Fireplace in front room of Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. | Original filigreed chair of Millard Fillmore in his house. East Aurora, NY. |
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Stenciled eagle design on wall of Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. | Stenciled bird design on wall of Millard Fillmore House copied from designs of Moses Eaton. East Aurora, NY. | Wick scissors & objects on front room table of Millard Fillmore House. East Aurora, NY. | Bed used by Millard Fillmore in the White House. East Aurora, NY. |
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Kitchen of Millard Fillmore House with table made by the President himself. East Aurora, NY. | Punchbowl used by Millard Fillmore in the White House. East Aurora, NY. | Sample of China pattern used in the Millard Fillmore White House. East Aurora, NY. | Millard Fillmore portrait (c1843) by unknown at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. |
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Portrait of Millard Fillmore. East Aurora, NY. | Portrait of Millard Fillmore. East Aurora, NY. | 1850 photo of Millard Fillmore by Brady D'Avignon. East Aurora, NY. | Portrait of Millard Fillmore (1871) by Augustus Rockwell at Buffalo History Museum (BECHS). Buffalo, NY. |
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Photo of Abigail Fillmore. East Aurora, NY. | Election poster for Zachary Taylor & Millard Fillmore, Whig party. East Aurora, NY. | Portraits on Zachary Taylor & Millard Fillmore on Whig party poster. East Aurora, NY. | Millard Fillmore campaign medals (1856) at Buffalo History Museum (BECHS). Buffalo, NY. |
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13: Millard Fillmore (1850-1853) lived (1800-1874). XP. | Millard Fillmore silver medal (1850) by Joseph Willson at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. |