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Tank & armor collection at Armed Forces Museum at Camp Shelby. Hattiesburg, MS. | M-4A1 Sherman medium tank (1942) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | M-4A Walker Bulldog light tank (1951) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | M-4A Walker Bulldog light tank & CH-54 Tarhe Skycrane helicopter at Armed Forces Museum at Camp Shelby. Hattiesburg, MS. |
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M-60 Patton medium tank (1960) with searchlight at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | M-728 combat engineer vehicle (1966) with bulldozer blade at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | ZSU-23-4 Shilka self-propelled anti-aircraft gun (Soviet Union) (1965) captured in 1st Persian Gulf War at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | MTLB armored personnel carrier (Soviet Union) (1970) captured in 1st Persian Gulf War at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. |
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M-1 Abrams main battle tank (1981) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | M-1917 GPF (M-3) 155mm gun (France) (1917) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | OV-1 Mohawk observation aircraft (1959) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. |
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OV-1 Mohawk observation aircraft (1959) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | CH-54 Tarhe heavy lift Skycrane helicopter (1962) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Cockpit end of CH-54 Tarhe heavy lift Skycrane helicopter (1962) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | OH-6 Cayuse light observation helicopter (1963) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. |
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UH-1 Huey Iroquois utility helicopter (1960-80s) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter (1965) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter (1965) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Rear view of 3 foot-wide profile of AH-1 Cobra attack helicopter (1965) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. |
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Sweetheart pins worn by mothers, grandmothers & sisters of WW II American soldiers at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Women of WW II display at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Willys Jeep (1941) at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | WW II American M8 Greyhound armored cars at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. |
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Collection of Nazi knives at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Collection of Nazi medal & commemorative pins at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Nazi pins from 1936 Olympics at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. | Nazi desert campaign hat at Armed Forces Museum. Hattiesburg, MS. |