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The House on Ellicott's Hill (c1798) (215 N. Canal St.) Andrew Ellicott raised American flag here in 1797, in defiance of Spain. Natchez, MS. On National Register. | Balconies of House on Ellicott's Hill. Natchez, MS. | Side view of House on Ellicott's Hill. Natchez, MS. | Priests' House (c1805-10) & Lawyers Lodge (c1820) beside House on Ellicott's Hill. Natchez, MS. On National Register. |
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Lawyers Lodge (c1820) (201 N. Canal St.). Natchez, MS. Style: Federal. On National Register. | Stanton Hall (c1857) (High at Pearl St.). Natchez, MS. Style: Classical. On National Register.  | Choctaw House (1837) (310 N. Wall St.). Natchez, MS. | Portico of Choctaw House. Natchez, MS. |
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Oval window in pediment of Choctaw House. Natchez, MS. | Old south feel of Choctaw House. Natchez, MS. | White Wings House (1833-54 & c1888) (311 N. Wall St.). Natchez, MS. | Cherokee House (c1794-1810) (217 High at Wall St.). Natchez, MS. Style: Greek Revival. On National Register. |
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Facade of Cherokee House. Natchez, MS. | Queen Anne-style house (401 N. Commerce St.). Natchez, MS. | Lisso House (c1892) (310 N. Commerce St.). Natchez, MS. On National Register. | Linton House (c1810) (304 N. Commerce St.). Natchez, MS. On National Register. |
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Front door of Linton House. Natchez, MS. | Wilkins Town House (c1835) (300 N. Commerce St.) with men's & women's staircases. Natchez, MS. On National Register. | Federal-style house (c1796) (306 Pearl St.) with men's & women's staircases. Natchez, MS. | Myrtle Terrace House (c1844) (310 Pearl St.). Natchez, MS. On National Register. |
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Dr. Dubs Town House (1852-4) (311 Pearl St.). Natchez, MS. On National Register. | Myrtle Bank House (1835; 1870s) (408 Pearl St.). Natchez, MS. On National Register. | Shields Town House (c1860) (701 N. Union at B. St.). Natchez, MS. Style: Greek Revival. On National Register. | The Burn (c1832) (712 N. Union St.) built by John Walsworth, was later Headquarters for Federal Fort McPherson & then a hospital in Civil War. Natchez, MS. Style: Greek Revival. On National Register. |
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Portal of The Burn. Natchez, MS. | Gerard Brandon IV House (1890) (708 N. Union St.). Natchez, MS. Style: Queen-Anne. | Wigwam (c1790-1837) (307 Oak St.). Natchez, MS. Style: Italianate. On National Register. | Keyhole House (1890) (1016 Main St. at Arlington). Natchez, MS. |
Queen Anne-style house on Main St. near Martin Luther King St. Natchez, MS. |