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Harry S. Truman Presidential Museum & Library (1957). Independence, MO. Architect: Edward Neild. | Entrance of Harry S. Truman Presidential Museum & Library. Independence, MO. | Portrait of Harry S. Truman (1946) by Frank O. Salisbury at Presidential Museum. Independence, MO. | Detail of portrait of Harry S. Truman (1946) by Frank O. Salisbury at Presidential Museum. Independence, MO. |
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The Buck Stops Here sign which sat on Truman's desk meaning he took final responsibility at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Replica of Truman's White House Oval Office. Independence, MO. | Replica of Truman's White House Oval Office. Independence, MO. | Replica of Truman's White House Oval Office. Independence, MO. |
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Globe given to Truman by General Dwight D. Eisenhower at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Gallery summarizing legacy of Truman which along with statue of Truman looks out over the Truman Museum courtyard. Independence, MO. | Bronze sculpture of Harry S. Truman at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Courtyard of Truman Museum with perpetual Flame of Freedom (1991). Independence, MO. |
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Tombs of Harry S. Truman & Bess Wallace Truman in courtyard of Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Tomb of Harry S. Truman (1884-1972), Judge, Senator, President in courtyard of Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Truman for Senator 1934 campaign buttons at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Delegate ribbons for Harry & Mrs. Truman to 1944 Democratic National Convention in Chicago at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. |
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Roosevelt & Truman campaign buttons for 1944 Presidential election at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Truman campaign buttons for 1948 Presidential election at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Truman campaign button for 1948 Presidential election at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Pair of democratic donkeys at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. |
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Dewey Defeats Truman headline on original Chicago Daily Tribune Nov. 3, 1948 newspaper at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Truman inauguration button (1949) at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Truman inauguration button (1949) at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Harriman & Stevenson Presidential election campaign buttons at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. |
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Chrysler Royal Club coupe (1941) owned by Harry Truman while U.S. Senator at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Model of Presidential yacht U.S.S. Williamsburg (1931) at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Table setting acquired (1951) to match the renovated White House dining room at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Williamsburg Green White House presidential plate (1951-2) with eagle turn to olive branch of peace by Lenox china of Trenton, NJ at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. |
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Chrome kitchen table & refridge of post-war Truman era at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Map of Truman's whistle stop campaign rail routes for 1948 election campaign at Truman Museum. Independence, MO. | Mural 1958-61 by Thomas Hart Benton relates Missouri history in entrance lobby of Truman Museum. Independence, MO.  | Truman house built (1867) by George Porterfield Gates, mill-owner & grandfather of Bess Wallace Truman, was summer White House (1945-53). Independence, MO. |
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Victorian detail of Truman house run National Park Service. Independence, MO. | House of Harry Truman relatives across street from Bess Wallace house where Harry stayed while couring Bess. Independence, MO. | Flower at Truman house. Independence, MO. | Truman farm south of Kansas City, MO open to public by National Park Service. MO. |
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Porch column detail of Truman farm house. MO. | Statue of President Harry Truman outside of courthouse where Truman once served as a judge. Independence, MO. | Detail of statue of President Harry Truman before courthouse. Independence, MO. | Harry S. Truman portrait (1948-79) by Greta Kempton at National Portrait Gallery. Washington, DC. |
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Portrait of Harry S. Truman by Margaret Truman at Truman Birthplace House. Lamar, MO. | Harry S. Truman bust by F. Belsky at Winston Churchill Memorial & Library at Westminster College. Fulton, MO. | President Harry S. Truman (1884-1972) bust by William J. Williams at Missouri State Capitol. Jefferson City, MO. | Harry S. Truman Birthplace Museum House (1009 Truman St.). Lamar, MO. On National Register. |
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Portrait of Mary Jane Holmes Truman, Harry's grandmother, at Truman Birthplace House. Lamar, MO. | Portrait of Anderson Shippe, Harry's grandfather, at Truman Birthplace House. Lamar, MO. | Harry Truman's cradle at Truman Birthplace House. Lamar, MO. |