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Skyline of Minneapolis over Mississippi River. Minneapolis, MN. | 225 South Sixth, Wells Fargo, & US Bank Plaza, City Hall tower, Fifth Street Towers. Minneapolis, MN. | Hennepin County Government Center, 225 South Sixth, Wells Fargo, & US Bank Plaza towers. Minneapolis, MN. | City Hall tower, Fifth Street Towers, & U.S. Federal Courthouse. Minneapolis, MN. |
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IDS & AT&T Towers. Minneapolis, MN. | Highrises on skyline of Minneapolis. Minneapolis, MN. | Foshay tower among modern highrises. Minneapolis, MN. | Skyline of Minneapolis above Loring Park. Minneapolis, MN. |
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City skyline over Hennepin Theater district. Minneapolis, MN. | 20 Washington Avenue South (1964) (7 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Minoru Yamasaki & Assoc..  | Minneapolis Central Library (2006) (300 Nicollet Mall) (5 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Cesar Pelli + Architectural Alliance.  | Wells Fargo Center (1988) (90 South 7th St.) (57 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Cesar Pelli + Kendall/Heaton Assoc..  |
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IDS Tower (1973) (80 South 8th St.) (55 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Edward F. Baker & Assoc. + Johnson/Burgee Architects.  | AT&T Tower (1991) (901 Marquette Ave.) (34 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Walsh Bishop Assoc..  | Fifth Street Towers (1987-8) (100 South 5th St.) (26 & 36 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum + Opus Architects & Engineers.  | 225 South Sixth Street (1992) (56 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: HKS + Pei Cobb Freed & Partners.  |
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Ameriprise Financial Center (2000) (31 floors) (707 2nd Avenue South). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: HKS, Inc..  | Campbell Mithun Tower (1985) (222 South 9th St.) (42 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Hammel, Green & Abrahamson.  | Accenture Tower (1987) (333 South 7th St.) (33 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Kohn Pedersen Fox Assoc. PC.  | Federal Reserve Building (1997) (8 floors) (90 Hennepin Ave.). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum. |
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Clock tower of Federal Reserve Building. Minneapolis, MN. | Sculpture at 255 2nd Avenue South. Minneapolis, MN. | 255 2nd Avenue South. Minneapolis, MN. | Ameriprise Operations Center (1990) (1005 South 3rd Ave.) (6 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Architectural Alliance. |
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Park Building (650 3rd Ave. South) (20 floors) is connected to 225 South Sixth tower by a 75-foot-high winter garden. Minneapolis, MN. | Entrance to Park Building. Minneapolis, MN. | Minneapolis Hilton & Towers (1992) (1001 Marquette Ave.) (25 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: RTKL Assoc.. | 100 Washington Square (1981) (22 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Minoru Yamasaki & Assoc.. |
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100 Washington Square from street level. Minneapolis, MN. | 33 South Sixth Street (1982) (52 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill (Denver). | Dain Rauscher Plaza (1992) (60 South 6th St.) (40 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Lohan Assoc.. | Crown of Dain Rauscher Plaza. Minneapolis, MN. |
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Street level detail of Dain Rauscher Plaza. Minneapolis, MN. | Fifty South Sixth Street (2001) (30 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Kendall/Heaton Assoc. + Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. | Window framing detail of Fifty South Sixth Street. Minneapolis, MN. | Round portal of Fifty South Sixth Street. Minneapolis, MN. |
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Fifty South Sixth Street. Minneapolis, MN. | Plaza VII (1987) (45 South 7th St.) (36 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Hammel, Green & Abrahamson + WZMH Architects. | US Bancorp Center & IDS Tower. Minneapolis, MN. | US Bancorp Center (2000) (800 Nicollet Mall) (32 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Ellerbe Becket. |
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LaSalle Plaza (1991) (800 LaSalle Ave.) (28 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Ellerbe Becket. | Crown of LaSalle Plaza. Minneapolis, MN. | Facade detail of LaSalle Plaza. Minneapolis, MN. | Target Plaza South (2001) (1020 Nicollet Mall) (33 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Ellerbe Becket. |
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Narrow end of Target Plaza South. Minneapolis, MN. | Target Plaza South over Nicollet Mall. Minneapolis, MN. | Minneapolis Convention Center (1990). Minneapolis, MN. | Minneapolis Convention Center over landscaped park. Minneapolis, MN. |
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Marquette Plaza (1973) (250 Marquette Ave.) (13 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Gunnar Birkerts Architects. | International Center (1987) (900 South 2nd Ave.) (19 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Ellerbe & Company. | Banded windows of International Center. Minneapolis, MN. | US Bank Plaza (1981) (200 South 6th St.) (41 & 23 floors). Minneapolis, MN. Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill + Hodne/Stageberg Partners. |
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Entrance area of US Bank Plaza. Minneapolis, MN. | US Bank Plaza tower before Wells Fargo Center. Minneapolis, MN. |