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Maine State Capitol of Hallowell granite with central section (1829) & wings added in 1911. Augusta, ME. Architect: G. Henri Desmond. | Front facade of State Capitol (1829) with columns & pediment. Augusta, ME. Architect: Charles Bullfinch. | Dome of State Capitol replaced Bullfinch's original in 1911. Augusta, ME. | Golden figure of Wisdom with lantern by W. Clark Noble on State Capitol. Augusta, ME. |
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Facade of State Capitol. Augusta, ME. | State Capitol dome over village houses. Augusta, ME. | Interior of State Capitol dome. Augusta, ME. | House chamber in State Capitol. Augusta, ME. |
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Senate chamber in State Capitol. Augusta, ME. | Portrait of Abraham Lincoln by Albion Harris Bicknell (1868) in Maine State Capitol. Augusta, ME. | Portrait of Hannibal Hamlin by Alfred E. Smith (1901) in Maine State Capitol. Hamlin was Lincoln's Vice-President after serving as a Maine governor & congressman. Augusta, ME. | Portrait of Joshua L. Chamberlain, Civil War hero, Maine governor & Bowdoin College president by Joseph B. Kahill (1914) in Maine State Capitol. Augusta, ME. |
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Portrait of Sir William Pepperrell, commander at the siege of Fort Louisburg, by Henry Cheever Pratt (1862) in Maine State Capitol. Augusta, ME. | Terra Cotta relief of volunteers returning from the Civil War, a duplicate in Maine's State Capitol of the frieze on DC's Pension building. Augusta, ME. | Maine's capitol building seen from the governor's garden. Augusta, ME. | Blaine Mansion, home of Maine's governors. Augusta, ME. |
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Blaine Mansion front door. Augusta, ME. | Blaine Mansion from capitol building. Augusta, ME. | Blaine Mansion garden side. Augusta, ME. |