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View of downtown Boston & Zakim Bunker Hill Bridge from Bunker Hill. Boston, MA. | View of USS Constitution & north-end Boston from Bunker Hill. Boston, MA. | Boston skyline with Prudential, lace-domed 111 Huntington Avenue & John Hancock Towers seen across Boston Bay. Boston, MA. | Prudential Tower (1964) (52 floors) (Boylston Street at Huntington Ave.) behind 111 Huntington Avenue. Boston, MA. Architect: Luckman Partnership, Hoyle, Doran & Berry Architects. |
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111 Huntington Avenue (2002) (36 floors) in front of Prudential Tower. Boston, MA. Architect: Childs Bertman Tseckares. | Skyline with John Hancock Tower & John Hancock Building (1947) (26 floors) with spire by Cram & Ferguson & arched 25 floor 500 Boylston St. between. Boston, MA. | Skyline with white One Financial Center (1983) (46 floors) behind residences on Boston Bay. Boston, MA. Architect: Jung / Brannen Assoc., Pietro Belluschi. | Skyline with One Financial Center (1983), white ladder-like Federal Reserve Bank Building (1976). Boston, MA. |
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Skyline with three brown buildings of International Place (1987-92) (46, 27, 19 floors). Boston, MA. Architect: Johnson/Burgee Architects. | Power plant. Boston, MA. | Trinity Church & John Hancock Tower. Boston, MA. | Gabel of Trinity Church. Boston, MA. |
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John Hancock Tower (1976) (60 floors). Boston, MA. Architect: I.M. Pei & Partners. | Copley Square with Trinity Church, John Hancock Tower, & Fairmont Copley Plaza (1912). Boston, MA. | Boston skyline heading into Big Dig tunnel. Boston, MA. | Boston skyline from southern freeway approach. Boston, MA. |
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Blue stepped One Lincoln Street (2003) (36 floors) to left of white One Financial Center. Boston, MA. Architect: Jung / Brannen Assoc.. | The Metropolitan Boston (2004) (23 floors) (Nassau St.). Boston, MA. Architect: The Architectural Team. | One Boston Place (1970) (41 floors) (Court St.) behind King's Chapel. Boston, MA. Architect: Pietro Belluschi, Emery Roth & Sons. | One Devonshire Place (1983) (42 floors) & heritage buildings along Washington Street. Boston, MA. Architect: Steffian Bradley Architects. |
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60 State Street (1977) (38 floors) plus Custom House Tower. Boston, MA. Architect: Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. | 75 State Street (1988) (31 floors). Boston, MA. Architect: Graham Gund Architects + Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. | Edward W. Brooke Courthouse (1999). Boston, MA. Architect: Kallmann McKinnell & Wood Architects. | Bowdoin Square & Edward W. Brooke Courthouse. Boston, MA. |
Modern building beside Edward W. Brooke Courthouse. Boston, MA. |